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University elections 2013 – the results are in

The votes have been counted and at www.au.dk/en/election, you can see who has been elected to the Aarhus University Board and the various boards of studies, academic councils and PhD committees.

2013.12.11 | Jetthe L. Revsgaard

In the period 25-28 November, a great number of students and PhD students visited www.au.dk/en/election and cast their vote. The turnout for this year’s election was 19.76% – which corresponds a total of 7,955 people. That means that this year’s turnout is 40% higher than in 2012.

All results from both the uncontested and contested elections can be found here: www.au.dk/en/election

Elected candidates have leverage for one year

For one year, the newly elected students who have become members of a local board of studies, academic council, PhD committee or the Aarhus University Board will have a place at the table when decisions are being made. The election period runs from 1 February 2014 to 31 January 2015. 

If you did not get to run for this year’s elections, keep an eye on www.au.dk/en/election and be ready at the end of October 2014.

Next year, staff members are included

Next year – in November 2014 – elections will once again take place to fill the student places in the Aarhus University Board, academic councils, boards of studies and PhD committees, but, in addition, members of academic staff will also be elected to PhD committees and boards of studies.

Education, Students, All AU units