Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl

'Welcome package' for new researchers

A new website now brings together the information you need as a new academic employee at Health so you can get off to a good start.

2018.05.03 | Lise Wendel Eriksen

A new website now brings together the information you need as a new academic employee at Health so you can get off to a good start. Photo: Coloubox

The new ‘starter kit' on the Faculty's staff page contains information and links covering everything from career development and responsible conduct of research to terms of employment and the administrative IT systems that support research and teaching. The English version of the website also provides help and guidance for foreign researchers and their families when it comes to the process of establishing a day-to-day life in Aarhus and at the university.

There has been a longstanding wish to provide uniform and relevant information for newly arrived academic staff across the faculty. The digital welcome package is therefore intended as a helping hand for both new members of academic staff – and the units who are employing them, as they can now easily refer new researchers to the information.

The starter kit for academic staff can be found on Health's staff page.


Web Coordinator Iris Brown Galil
Aarhus University, Health Communication
Mobile: (+45) 5166 6533
Email: irga@au.dk

Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff, Health, Health, Technical / administrative staff