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Virtual PhD defence: Pernille Christiansen Skovlund

Testing of a dialogue-tool based on patient reported outcomes

2021.03.11 | Graduate School of Health

Date Thu 25 Mar
Time 14:00 16:00
Location Online via Zoom

On Thursday 25 March at 14:00, Pernille Christiansen Skovlund defends her PhD dissertation entitled "Patient-reported outcomes as a dialogue-based tool in consultations between patients with metastatic melanoma and their physicians".

During the last decade, treatment of metastatic melanoma has changed significantly. Thus, both prognosis and expectations for the future have improved. Now a focus on health-related quality of life and coping with disease in everyday life is warranted. The purpose of the PhD project was to investigate whether a new dialogue-tool in the consultation between patients with metastatic melanoma and their medical oncologist can improve the conversation between the two and provide patients with support in coping with life with cancer. The idea behind the dialogue-tool is to focus on what patients find most important to talk about and get help with in the consultation. To ensure a relevant and useful project for the target group, patients with metastatic melanoma have been involved in large parts of the research process. In the PhD project, the dialogue-tool has been developed, work has been done on quality assurance of the implementation process and the tool has been tested in a controlled comparison study. Considerations regarding implementation, methods and results of the controlled comparison study are presented and discussed at the defense.     

The summary is written by the PhD student.    

The defence is public and takes place online via Zoom. Please read the attached press release for more information.


PhD student Pernille Christiansen Skovlund

Mail: pernille.skovlund@oncology.au.dk

Phone: (+45) 61309177

Read full press release

PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Academic staff, Health