Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


[Translate to English:] En ny app, der relayouter indholdet i den traditionelle papiravis til et format optimeret til tablets og smartphones, nævnes som eksempel på et vellykket partnerskab. App'en er udviklet i et samarbejde mellem Aarhus Universitet og virksomheden Visiolink. Foto: Colourbox

2014.03.13 | Public/Media, All AU units

[Translate to English:] Brede partnerskaber skal løse samfundets udfordringer

[Translate to English:] Trafik, sundhed og klima er nogle af samfundets store udfordringer. Vi har teknologien til at klare dem, men det kræver, at vi organiserer os på nye måder, siger lektor Martin Brynskov fra Aarhus Universitet.

The Dean of Health had gathered his central management team for the meeting with the Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard.
Morten Østergaard listened attentively and asked interested questions about the meeting’s topics.
Dean Allan Flyvbjerg chaired proceedings at the informal meeting with the Minister.

2013.11.12 | Alumni, Health, Events

Minister on a health visit

Quality and cohesion in the educational system and the integrated model between AU and the Central Denmark Region. All of this was on the agenda when Higher Education Minister Morten Østergaard visited Health.

Sundhedsmappen.dk is expected to be able to reach many of the Danes who would not otherwise get their blood pressure checked.

2013.11.14 | Health and disease, All groups, Department of Public Health

Get your blood pressure under control with your iPad

Danes who measure their blood pressure at home can now send the results directly from their armchair to their general practitioner via iPad, PC or smartphone. This provides more accurate figures and better opportunities for targeted treatment.

The grant recipient Nina Kerting Iversen, Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine - Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN).

2013.11.14 | People news, All groups, Department of Clinical Medicine

Blood clot researcher receives substantial grant

Nina Kerting Iversen from Aarhus University researches in blood clots (thrombosis) in the brain. Her research has just earned her a grant of DKK 2,912,255 from the Danish Council for Independent Research. The grant will support her ongoing research in thrombosis in the brain.

Now Health's foreign staff members and partners can also find information about the faculty online. The English version of Health's web site has namely been launched.

2013.11.07 | All groups, Health, Administrative

Health's English website has now been launched

Health's external website has had a thorough makeover. The content has been proofed, navigation has been made easier and the content has now also been translated into English.

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