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AIAS opened on 13 June 2013 in a newly renovated facility in the heart of the University Park. Here, up to 35 so-called fellows will have the freedom to devote themselves to their research for a period of several years.

2013.09.10 | Public/Media, All AU units

INTERNATIONALISATION - AU gives researchers free rein

With the new Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), Aarhus University is offering excellent researchers from all over the world and a wide range of fields the freedom to devote themselves to their work in an attractive setting.

The first AIAS Fellows’ Seminar attracted researchers from many different fields. After the presentation, discussions continued in a more informal setting in the foyer of the AIAS building. 
Marie Braad Lund is a Dale T. Mortensen Fellow at AIAS, where she is currently studying the earthworm symbiosis system. She did her PhD at Aarhus University and then went on to study marine nitrogen cycling at Stanford University.

2013.09.11 | Events, All groups, All AU units

Top researchers gained insight about earthworms

Researchers from a wide range of fields were given ample opportunity to discuss earthworms, parasites and evolution when the AIAS held its first Fellows’ Seminar. The aim of the seminars is to bridge the gaps dividing research disciplines.

Medical student Søren Lomholt, the most recent member of the Academic Council at Health.

2013.09.25 | Health, Technical / administrative staff, Health

The Academic Council leaves its fingerprint on academic skills at Health

Internal distribution of funds, recommendation of candidates for PhDs and higher doctoral degrees, statements on key strategic research questions and educational issues and plans for knowledge exchange. These are some of the topics on the agenda when the members of the Academic Council meet about every second month.

2013.09.06 | All groups, All AU units

Making Bodies of Words: Writing's new Materialisms

Lecture and Workshop by Anna Gibbs, University of Western Sidney, on the implications of Affect Theory and New Materialism for contemporary scholarly writing.

2013.09.06 | All groups, All AU units, Seminar

The Creative Leap

[Translate to English:] Anna Gibbs, University of Western Sidney, on Affect Contagion, Contemporary Culture and Classic Sociology.

2013.09.05 | Seminar, All groups, All AU units

Masterclass med Robert Putnam

[Translate to English:] MatchPoints Seminar indbyder ph.d.-studerende og medarbejdere til masterclass med Robert Putnam.

2013.09.05 | All groups, All AU units

The Social and Political Significance of Religion in Contemporary America

Lecture by Robert Putnam, Distinguished Visiting Professor på Aarhus University 2013-14.

2013.09.05 | All groups, All AU units

Equality of Opportunity? Growing up rich and growing up poor in America today

Lecture by Robert Putnam, Distinguished Visiting Professor Aarhus University 2013-2014

2013.09.04 | Research, Public/Media, All AU units

How to reduce drop-out rates on vocational education and training programmes

Four out of ten vocational students drop out. Vocational colleges can avoid high drop-out rates by introducing specific initiatives.

It is important to have the necessary isolation facilities to prevent local epidemics. Foto: Lars Kruse/AU Kommunikation.

2013.09.05 | Health, All groups, Health and disease

Infectious diseases are – still – a global challenge

Despite the many advances of modern medicine, infectious diseases remain a threat to people's lives and health in all parts of the world. Researchers are battling, for example, highly infectious viruses, infected foods and multi-resistant bacteria that spread infections across borders.

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