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2014.10.21 | Events, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi


Eight employees from Department of Clinical Epidemiology will travel to Taipei in Taiwan this week to attend the annual International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPE). The DCE people will present eight posters and give five oral presentations. Three posters have been selected for the “poster spotlight…

2014.10.20 | Events, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Presentation at conference on EU research career opportunities

Associate professor Vera Ehrenstein, MPH, DSc, gave a talk on ”Opportunities in Denmark: An epidemiologist’s dream” at a recently held conference ”DESTINATION EUROPE – Your research and innovation opportunities”. The conference was hosted by the European Commission and held in Georgia, Atlanta in the US last week. The aim of the conference was to…

An image of how Nørreport will look when the light rail transit system is completed in 2017.
The image shows the location of the two tunnels beneath Nørrebrogade.

2014.10.20 | Events, External target group, AU Communication

Construction of the light rail transit system along Nørrebrogade and Randersvej has begun

Contractors are now getting ready to begin the construction work along Randersvej and the tunnel construction beneath Nørrebrogade. The construction work will cause vibrations, noise and traffic delays.

The Lundbeck Foundation seeks talented young scientists for new fellowships.

2014.10.20 | Grants and awards, Research, Research year student

The Lundbeck Foundation advertises new fellowships

The Lundbeck Foundation seeks talented young scientists for new fellowships in biomedicine and other areas.

[Translate to English:] Gigtmedicin kan virke godt på depression, viser en metaanalyse, som stud.med. Ole Köhler har lavet sammen med forskere fra AU og KU.

2014.10.21 | Research, Research, All groups

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs may have an impact on depression

Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs used against muscle pain and arthritis may have a beneficial effect on depression symptoms

2014.10.15 | Education, Public/Media, External target group

School of Business and Social Sciences renews its EQUIS accreditation

BSS has just received the official letter from EFMD’s Awarding Body stating that the school is granted EQUIS accreditation for the next three years.

2014.11.06 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units

Construction of the light rail is under way

On 15 October 2014, Aarhus Letbane I/S began construction on the light rail line on Nørrebrogade between Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.

2014.11.06 | Administrative, Students, Degree programmes

Construction of the light rail is under way

On 15 October 2014, Aarhus Letbane I/S began construction on the light rail line on Nørrebrogade between Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.

2014.10.13 | Meeting, Research, Academic staff

How to write an application for an ERC Starting Grant or Consolidator Grant

Are you planning to apply for an ERC Starting Grant or ERC Consolidator Grant? The Research Support Office at Aarhus University hosts an info meeting that can help you prepare a strong proposal.

2014.10.22 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

Tips for your SDD

During the autumn, Staff Development Dialogues (SDDs) will be held for large parts of Aarhus University (AU). We have gathered some tips on how to get the most out of your SDD.

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