Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2014.10.10 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

How much do you know about AU’s staff policy?

AU HR is performing an evaluation to find out how and how much the staff policy is used at AU’s departments and centres.

2014.10.10 | Administrative, Students, All AU units

Student trade union has been granted full access to information about AU student workers’ identities and wage and employment conditions

Studenteransattes Landsforbund (SUL), the national Danish trade union for student workers, has been granted full access to information about the identities and wage and employment conditions of 3000 student workers.

A new collaboration between Aarhus University and Mayo Clinic will shortly be formalised. Mayo Clinic is one of the best hospitals in the world.

2014.10.09 | Talent development, Health and disease, PhD students

Aarhus University enters into collaboration with USA's best hospital

A new partnership agreement between Aarhus University and USA's leading hospital Mayo Clinic now gives PhD students the chance to carry out research at the hospital. The partnership also provides new opportunities within the field of neurological research.

Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids is holding a start-up seminar on Thursday 9 October. Photo: Colourbox.

2014.10.21 | Events, Health and disease, Academic staff

Launch of new research network within research in children and adolescents

Aarhus University Hospital - Sick Kids is the name of a new network which brings together the best health research within the field of children and adolescents at Aarhus University Hospital. The network is holding a start-up seminar on Thursday 9 October.

2014.10.07 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff

New Music In the Brain center

CFIN researcher and head of the Music In the Brain research group, Peter Vuust has just received funding - up to DKK 52 mio - from The Danish National Research Foundation for a new Center of Excellence.

2014.10.07 | Conference, PhD students, Health

MR-hyperpolarization in Aarhus

Workshop and reception

2014.10.07 | Grants and awards, Public/Media, External target group

Aarhus University granted funding for three new basic research centres

For the eighth time ,the Danish National Research Foundation has awarded grants to twelve new Centres of Excellence. Researchers from Aarhus University won three of these grants.

2014.10.07 | PhD defense, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Birgit Bjerre Høyer

Prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants and physical, mental and motor development in young children.

Music is emotion, says brain researcher and jazz musician Peter Vuust. He conducts research into what happens to people who listen to music.

2014.10.21 | People news, Academic staff, External target group

Major grant: When brain research and music interact

Brain researcher and jazz musician Peter Vuust from AU and AUH conducts research into how music affects the brain. He has just received DKK 52 million from the Danish National Research Foundation towards a brand new basic research centre: The Danish National Research Foundation's Centre for 'Music in the Brain' (MIB).

The Skou Building as it will look upon completion at the end of 2016.

2014.10.07 | Research year student, Administrative, Health

Biomedicine construction causes noise and vibrations

The starting signal has just been given for the construction of the Department of Biomedicine's new research building on the corner of Vennelyst Boulevard and Høegh-Guldbergs Gade. In the coming months there will be noise, vibrations and heavy traffic as the foundations are laid.

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