Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2014.09.09 | PhD defense, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Jacob Mørup Schlütter

Variation in the amount of fetal cells and cell-free fetal DNA in maternal blood.

2014.09.09 | PhD defense, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Charlotte Hyldgaard

A cohort study of Danish patients with interstitial lung diseases: burden, severity, treatment and survival.

2014.09.09 | PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health

Inaugural lecture: Holger Jon Møller

CD163 and the many faces of macrophage activation - new opportunities for diagnostics and therapy

2014.09.09 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

AU helps businesses and entrepreneurs

Businesses that collaborate with the university grow and develop more than other businesses. The AU Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) facilitates contact between researchers and businesses. The centre also helps young entrepreneurs start their own businesses.

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

AU strengthens schools

AU collaborates. Aarhus University provides support for collaboration with public and private sector businesses and institutions and develops students’ competences as innovators and entrepreneurs.

"We arrived here on a January day when it was really cold – seen through a Brazilian’s eyes. But people were just so welcoming and helpful, and there’s also a wonderfully direct and down-to-earth atmosphere that I really like." Cristina Scherrer, PhD in economics.

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

Cutting-edge research in a down-to-earth environment

AU’s strong international research environment and nonhierarchical atmosphere led Brazilian Cristina Scherrer to choose Aarhus over London. Scherrer is one of the many international junior researchers employed in tenure track positions at the centre CREATES, a research unit at the Department of Economics and Business.

“Peter Teglberg probably knows more about sperm whales than anyone else in Denmark, so of course having the chance to explore the whale’s insides with him was a truly educational and inspiring experience. The theory just falls into place when you’re suddenly standing there holding it in your hands. It’s just something totally different than studying a diagram and reading about it,” explains PhD student Michael Ladegaard.
“We examined the head in particular to expose the organs that are involved in echolocation and sound production. When you’ve been sitting and ploughing through article after article the way I have, it’s just fantastic to get a chance to see it all in reality and quite literally hold it in your hands,” says Emil Munck Schrøder, who is writing his Master’s thesis on echolocation in toothed whales.
PhD student Michael Ladegaard with a few of the many octopus beaks found in the sperm whale’s stomach.

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

”A 15-ton scientific problem!”

Peter Teglberg Madsen is professor with special responsibilities (MSO) at Aarhus University and one of Denmark’s leading experts on whales. He considers it crucial for students to have close contact with the latest research and to try their hand at doing research themselves during their studies at Aarhus University. So when he examined two beached…

"I felt throughout my Bachelor’s studies a great proximity to the professors. If I had any doubt or questions regarding anything, I could always come up to the teacher, call him/her by name and get some help. Already at my third semester, one professor suggested that we collaborate on getting one of my seminar papers published. He helped me with the practicalities and we got it published in a reknowned journal. I do not know a lot of universities where students have these possibilities. It is really inspiring to be in an environment where research is such a big focus and your work is recognised already so early in your academic life." Ana Luisa Carvalho e Silva, Economics and Business Administration
"I will be starting my PhD at Aarhus University this autumn under the supervision of Professor Tobias Wang, where I will explore the evolution of the reptile heart. Having previously spent a year carrying out research in Aarhus, the decision to return to the Zoophysiology Department was easy. The prestigious department has been at the forefront of comparative physiology research for decades, whilst Professor Wang individually is unparalleled in the study of reptile physiology. I feel this will provide the optimum environment to foster my development as a scientist. Further, I look forward to returning to Aarhus, which struck me as a vibrant, modern city albeit with a rich history." William Joyce received the Top Student Award 2014 at the University of Manchester

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

Talents thrive on teamwork

The global labour market is like a sports arena: the players’ success depends on their talent and training. Aarhus University produces academically strong graduates who also receive training in a wide variety of the core competences that are necessary on the global labour market – for example, cooperation, innovation and global understanding.

"While we know very little about why prevalent diseases like cancer and psychiatric disorders occur, we can identify patterns and connections that we wouldn’t notice otherwise through interdisciplinary research where we use advanced sequencing technology and combine enormous data sets." Anders Børglum, professor and centre director
The analysis and integration of extremely large data sets of different kinds and from different sources requires enormous computing power. The primary workhorse in iSEQ’s interdisciplinary projects is the GenomeDK super computer, which the centre has spent millions of kroner developing.

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication


ISEQ (the Centre for iSequencing) is an interdisciplinary research centre at Aarhus University that is working to apply new sequencing-based approaches to increase our understanding of the molecular systems that govern biological function and human disease.

2014.09.08 | All groups, External target group, AU Communication

Changes at the top of the world

With the interdisciplinary Arctic Research Centre and a wide-ranging international collaboration, Aarhus University plays a central role in investigating the major environmental changes taking place in the Arctic.

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