2014.07.02 | Research, All groups, All AU units
Would you like your research to benefit from joint international doctoral training and form a new generation of researchers through advanced training, international and inter-sectoral mobility?
2014.09.03 | Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine, Department of Biomedicine
On the occasion of Professor Søren Mogensen has chosen to retire his position as Professor in virology at the Department of Biomedicine the Department hosts a farewell symposium followed by a reception.
2014.09.05 | Administrative, All groups, Department of Biomedicine
Advanced biomedical research facilities will soon begin to take shape in the University Park at Aarhus University. On Friday 5 September the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Rasmus Helveg Petersen will cut the first sod for a new building named in honour of Aarhus’ Nobel Prize winner Jens Christian Skou. The building will cost…
2014.09.12 | Public/Media, External target group, Health
A PhD student from Aarhus University, Rubens Spin-Neto, has received an award for his research into images taken with a CBCT scanner. Research that will in the long term ensure that patients are exposed to minimal radiation from X-rays when they are scanned at the dentist.
2014.09.05 | Administrative, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine
The naming of the new building for the Department of Biomedicine has now finally fallen into place. The building complex will be named after Jens Christian Skou, who received the Nobel Prize in 1997. Dean Allan Flyvbjerg and Department Head Thomas G. Jensen came by to convey the good news.
2014.09.12 | People news, Public/Media, External target group
On Monday Dean Allan Flyvbjerg had a bucket of ice cold water poured over him to shift political focus onto research into small and rare diseases.
2014.09.12 | People news, Public/Media, External target group
No less than 92 per cent of the students at Health feel comfortable with their degree programme. That is the highest share since the introduction of the study environment survey at AU. However, there are also areas where there is still room for improvement.
2014.09.03 | Research, Health and disease, All groups
Research from Aarhus University shows that children born to mothers who smoke or use nicotine patches during pregnancy more often get ADHD than other children. On the other hand, nicotine patches do not affect the birth weight in the same way as smoking does.
2014.09.01 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units
Due to the change of tele services provider at AU it will not be possible to use diversion from land-line phones to mobile phones within AU from 3-16 September. Also, the use of local numbers from mobile phones will be malfunctioning.
2014.09.01 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
Discussion of the University management's proposals to rectify the problems identified in the analysis