2015.07.07 | Alumni, External target group, Aarhus University
This year Aarhus University welcomes more than 1,500 students to participate in AU Summer University during July and August.
2015.07.06 | Health and disease, Mind, Department of Biomedicine
Lundbeck Foundation is sponsoring a two-year postdoctoral research associate position at The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
2015.07.06 | Research, Health and disease, PhD students
Lundbeck Foundation is sponsoring a two-year postdoctoral research associate position at The McGovern Institute for Brain Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
2015.07.06 | All groups, Runsafe, Runsafe
On July 6th, Robert Mann convincingly defended his PhD thesis in the Aula at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
2015.07.07 | Grants and awards, Academic staff, All AU units
To strengthen collaboration between departments, schools and faculties, nine research networks have, after an open call, received funding to strengthen and develop activities that transcend the faculty boundaries.
2015.07.02 | Talent development, Public/Media, All AU units
Evaluations of the four graduate schools at AU show that the PhD degree programmes are at a high international level.
2015.07.02 | Research, Research, Students
Master Thesis Project at Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital.
2015.07.02 | Health and disease, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine
Emerging Collaborative Innovation Models in the Pharmaceutical Industry
2015.07.02 | People news, Academic staff, All AU units
In this article, former dean Svend Hylleberg addresses the obligation to get involved, openness in management, an administrative disaster and a merger that ended well after all.
2015.07.01 | Technical / administrative staff, All AU units, Aarhus University
The fascinating and at times complex and difficult languages from all corners of the world - and particularly the Danish one - will be the focal point for this seminar by associate professor Peter Bakker.