Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2016.01.04 | Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health

Inaugural lecture: Susanne Wulff Svendsen

Physical workload and musculoskeletal disorders - a continuing challenge

2016.01.04 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Public Health

PhD defense: Anne Mette Lund Würtz

Food substitutions and risk of ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus

2016.01.04 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Line Nilsson

Rollen af COX-2 for udvikling af oxidativ stress ved obstruktive nyresygdomme

2016.01.04 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Louise Ørum Olesen

The APPswePS1dE9 mouse model – Investigating behavioural and structural aspects related to AD-like amyloidosis

2016.01.04 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defense: Lau Møller Andersen

Spatio-temporal localization and task specificity in the search for neural correlates of perceptual consciousness

Charlotte Handberg

2016.01.04 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Department of Public Health

PhD defense: Charlotte Handberg

Male cancer patients and healthcare professionals at hospitals: An interpretive description of men’s barriers to participation in municipal cancer rehabilitation

Showing results 71 to 76 of 76

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