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Aarhus University offers 7,399 applicants a place. Photo: Melissa Bach Yildirim

2016.08.02 | Education, Public/Media, External target group

7,399 applicants offered a place at Aarhus University

Free intake is largely a thing of the past at Aarhus University, and the huge increase in the number of highly qualified applicants means that the grade point average (GPA) cut-off for the vast majority of degree programmes is higher than in 2015.

2016.07.27 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Large research grant

Associate professor Jiong Li from Department of Clinical Epidemiology has received a grant of DKK 3,514,141 from the Karen Elise Jensen Foundation for the project ”Maternal Socioeconomic Status and/or Chronic Disease before Childbirth and Heart Disease in Offspring: A Nordic cohort study of 9.2 million mother-child pairs”.

2016.07.22 | All groups, Runsafe, Runsafe

Focus on Time To Event analyses in RUNSAFE

Week 32 will be dedicated to Time To Event analyses and datamanagement in the RUNSAFE research group

2016.07.22 | All groups, Runsafe, Runsafe

Visit from Caroline Finch

Professor Caroline Finch from Federation University Australia will visit RUNSAFE in Aarhus from the 15th to the 21th oktober.

2016.07.22 | Meeting, All groups, Runsafe

RUNSAFE Quarterly Meeting

All RUNSAFE associates are invited to the quarterly meeting.

2016.07.26 | Events, All groups, Department of Forensic Medicine

[Translate to English:] Disaster Victim Identification

[Translate to English:] International Forensic Odontology Course, patronaged by IOFOS (International Organization for Forensic Odonto-Stomatology) October 17th to 21st 2016 organised by The Department of Forensic Medicine, Aarhus University

2016.07.18 | All groups, Runsafe, Runsafe

Laurent Malisoux will visit RUNSAFE

Mr. Malisoux from Luxembourg Institute of Health will visit RUNSAFE at Aarhus University in week 32.

2016.07.13 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units

Light rail transit project: Construction work near Nobel Park likely to cause noise and disrupt traffic

The work to construct the Aarhus Light Rail system has moved into a new phase, which involves laying tracks through some of the biggest junctions in the city. As a part of this work tracks will be established at the Nordre Ringgade – Randersvej/Nørrebrogade intersection over a period of a month starting on 8 July.

2016.07.08 | All groups, Degree programmes, AU Research Support and External Relations

Workshop: Writing Successful Grant Applications

If you are new in grant writing, you will find advice on how to attack the grant writing process and how to write in a way that meets the expectations of the reviewer.

2016.07.08 | Meeting, All groups, Degree programmes

Info meeting: How to write an application for a Marie S. Curie European Training Network (ETN)

Are you planning to apply for a Marie S. Curie European Training Network (ETN) at the coming deadline? Then sign up for this info meeting hosted by the Research Support Office

Showing results 1 to 10 of 26

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