2018.08.13 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
2-[ 18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-galactose PET/CT in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma – methodological aspects and clinical impact
2018.08.13 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students
Hospital choice in times of restructuring the hospital sector
2018.08.13 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Human Lymphatics: The 3 I’s - Identify, Investigate and Influence
2018.08.08 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
Researchers from Aarhus University are collaborating with the industry on developing new feeding strategies and feed products that can improve piglet survival markedly.
2018.08.09 | Administrative, Academic staff, Health
Department Head Ole Bækgaard has initiated a reorganisation of the Department of Public Health. The goal is to establish a fast, dynamic and competent management and to support strong professional communities within both research and education. The method includes e.g. a new and smaller department management team and fewer sections.
2018.08.09 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media
Three researchers from the Department of Biomedicine have founded their own company and set out to develop a new type of cholesterol-lowering medicine. With their knowledge of biochemistry, they could see that there was something the pharmaceutical industry had overlooked, and this opened for exciting opportunities.
2018.08.08 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff
Associate Professor Christian Vægter from Aarhus University has received DKK 2.6 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark towards a research project on serious complications in diabetic patients.
2018.08.09 | People news, Research, Public/Media
Consultant and DMSc Per Borghammer from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is new clinical professor in nuclear medicine and neuroscience.
2018.08.06 | Conference, History and achaeology, Academic staff
This international workshop, financed by the Independent Research Fund Sapere Aude programme, shall unite the research done around Scandinavian metal trade and aims to present a united picture for the trajectory of the metal trade over the course of the entire Bronze Age.
2018.08.06 | People news, Research, Public/Media
On 3 August 2018, medical doctor and PhD Ebbe Briggs Bødtkjer from Aarhus University defended his higher doctoral dissertation on how cells handle and adapt to local accumulation of waste products in cancerous tumours and in tissue affected by blood clots.