Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


The first employees will move during the autumn of 2018 – some of them to temporary workplaces. According to plan, everyone will be in place in 2021.

2018.01.25 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

New plans for the relocation of the Department of Biomedicine

The Department of Biomedicine has adjusted its plans for relocation in connection with the move to the Skou Building in the autumn of 2018. The biochemistry building on Ole Worms Allé will be handed over to Science and Technology before time, and in 2021 the department will also move out of the research wing in the anatomy complex on Wilhelm…

In future, it will be easier to hold elections to the departmental forums at Health. Photo: Colourbox.

2018.01.25 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

New framework for elections to the department forums

From now on, it will be easier to hold and stand for election at Health. The faculty is simplifying the process and extending the election period, meaning elections will no longer be held every second year. The changes come into force already for this spring's elections.

Professor Hans Erik Bøtker from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receives the Marie and August Krogh Award 2018 for his research into heart disease.

2018.01.25 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Technical / administrative staff

Award winner has warmed Danish hearts for decades

Professor Hans Erik Bøtker from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receives the Marie and August Krogh Award 2018 for his research into heart disease. The award includes a cash prize of DKK 1.5 million and is awarded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Organisation of Danish Medical Societies.

Tine Engberg from AU and AUH receives Novo Nordisk funding for her research project focusing on breast reconstruction among women who have had breast cancer. Photo: Pia Crone.

2018.01.25 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Public/Media

Research grant for breast reconstruction after breast cancer

With the help of DKK 1.5 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, Tine Engberg from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital can bring her research and the hospital’s treatment options up to an international level for the benefit of patients requiring reconstruction following breast cancer.

Find inspiration, help and guidance in Health's new stress folder. Photo: AU.

2018.01.25 | Administrative, Academic staff, Department of Biomedicine

Find good advice on handling and preventing stress

Are you or one of your colleagues affected by unhealthy stress? If the answer is yes, is there talk of stress in the well-being zone, the risk zone or the danger zone? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in Health's new stress folder.

Staff and students at Health's sport science programmes are intensifying their focus on collaboration with business and industry. Photo: Colourbox.

2018.01.25 | Education, Academic staff, Department of Public Health

Sport science strengthens focus on collaboration with business and industry

The Section for Sport Science at the Department of Public Health has high ambitions when it comes to business collaboration. Its goal is to strengthen the relationship between business and industry and the sport science degree programme and to clarify students' career opportunities. Several initiatives have already been launched, and in the coming…

2018.01.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students

PhD defence: Peter Parbo

A PET study of the relationship between microglial activation, amyloid-β plaques and tau tangles in early Alzheimer’s disease

2018.01.22 | Meeting, Public/Media, External target group

Afternoon meeting on funding: ERC Starting Grant

Organized by the Junior Researcher Development Programme and the Research Support Office

2018.01.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students

PhD defence: Thomas Nordstrøm Kjær

Effects of resveratrol on aspects of the Metabolic Syndrome and diseases associated with the Metabolic Syndrome

2018.01.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, PhD students

PhD defence: Jesper Løkke Mehlsen

Effects of increasing the protein intake on physical function and bone health in elderly people with osteopenia

Showing results 31 to 40 of 115

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