Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


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2019.01.09 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

New website helps new staff

Being a new employee in a large organisation can be difficult. But now being new to AU will hopefully be a little easier. On au.dk/newemployee, we have gathered together the informationen needed to help new employees get off to a good start.

2019.01.09 | Conference, All groups, All AU units

Conference: How do we improve gender balance amongst researchers at AU?

The committee for research and external cooperation at Aarhus University invites leaders at all levels, scientific personnel, HR management, advisors and students to a one-day conference to discuss the key question: How do we improve gender balance amongst researchers at AU?

Lise-Lotte kirkevang is a new doctor in Endodontics. Photo: Private

2019.01.15 | People news, Health and disease, Public/Media

New Doctor of Medical Science in diseases of the dental pulp and their treatment

Aarhus University has a new Doctor of Medical Science in endodontics – the study of dental pulp. Her name is Lise-Lotte Kirkevang and she comes from the Department of Dentistry and Oral health.

At the PhD Day on 25 January, three of Health’s most talented PhD students will demonstrate their presentation skills in a battle to win the Fogh-Nielsen scholarship. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo.

2019.01.10 | Talent development, Administration (Academic), PhD students

VIDEO: Meet this year’s three Fogh-Nielsen finalists

At the PhD Day 2019, three talented PhD students will take part in the traditional research and dissemination competition to find a winner of the prestigious Fogh-Nielsen scholarship. Here you can watch each of the three finalists present their research project in just sixty seconds!

There are many views about how much the new students should be helped. But research shows that they must be met where they are now if they are to make progress academically. Photo: Colourbox.

2019.01.10 | Education, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

Recommendation from the Education Fair: Meet the students at their level

What is the best way to teach the new students? Should the academic material be communicated in an easily accessible or entertaining way – or is it fine if it is difficult so the students perhaps come to understand it later on? This was the topic for Health’s Education Fair which featured contributions from secondary school teachers, students and…

2019.01.08 | Event, Health and disease, PhD students

Doctoral defence: Henrik Støvring

Using prescription data as indicators of disease or drug use, new analytic methods based on renewal processes.

2019.01.08 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturer Bent Deleuran: "Rheumatoid arthritis – an exhausting disease"

2019.01.08 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturer Per Höllsberg: "Corrupted by viruses"

2019.01.08 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturer Anders Lade Nielsen: "Epigenetic and genetic aspects of non-small-cell lung cancer diagnosis and treatment”

2019.01.08 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine Seminar

Lecturer Marco Capogna:“The necessity of neuron diversity for brain function in health and disease”

Showing results 71 to 80 of 104

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