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2019.11.15 | Seminar, Public/Media, Dandrite

Seminars by Mogens Andreasen and Steen Nedergaard on "Hippocampus: Excitability and epilepsy"

The seminars are open to everyone interested. No sign up or course registration is needed for DANDRITE researchers. The seminars are part of the graduate course "Understanding Neuroscience" that addresses multidisciplinary cellular and system neuroscience, tackling mechanisms of network operations in behaviorally- and clinically-important brain…

2019.11.15 | Seminar, Public/Media, Dandrite

Seminars by Norbert Hajos and Sadegh Nabavi on "Amygdala neuron types and synaptic plasticity"

The seminars are open to everyone interested. No sign up or course registration is needed for DANDRITE researchers. The seminars are part of the graduate course "Understanding Neuroscience" that addresses multidisciplinary cellular and system neuroscience, tackling mechanisms of network operations in behaviorally- and clinically-important brain…

2019.11.15 | Course, Research, Academic staff

Excellent international researchers to give talks during the graduate course in "Understanding Neuroscience"

The graduate course addresses multidisciplinary cellular and system neuroscience, tackling mechanisms of network operations in behaviourally- and clinically-important brain systems, such as the hippocampus, amygdala and motor areas, and the lectures are open to all interested. One major topic is to explain how specific neuron types contribute to…

2019.11.15 | Seminar, Public/Media, Dandrite

Seminars by Marco Capogna and Francesco Ferraguti on "Amygdala networks"

The seminars are open to everyone interested. No sign up or course registration is needed for DANDRITE researchers. The seminars are part of the graduate course "Understanding Neuroscience" that addresses multidisciplinary cellular and system neuroscience, tackling mechanisms of network operations in behaviorally- and clinically-important brain…

2019.11.14 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Guest lecture

Guest lecturer Professor Loems Ziegler-Heitbrock, Monocytomics Research, Munich, Germany: "slan+ non-classical monocytes"

2019.11.14 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Anna Halling Folkmar Andersen

Rethinking ART: Preclinical evaluation of novel antiretroviral nanotherapeutics

2019.11.14 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite

House warming at AU's International Academic Staff Services and the Talent Development

AU's International Academic Staff Services and the Talent Development office has moved to a new location in campus, reason why we want to invite our partners, collaborators and most importantly our international staff to visit the new premises in this open house event. Come anytime between 14.00 - 16.00! Everyone interested is welcome (no…

Mette Kjølby and Ole Bækgaard have just signed the collaboration agreement which will be evaluated at the end of 2020. Photo: DEFACTUM og AU.

2019.11.18 | Collaboration, Research, Public/Media

Collaboration intends to strengthen research and education in public health

Joint practice-orientated projects, shared positions and collaboration on teaching are some of the elements in the new collaboration agreement between the Department of Public Health and DEFACTUM. The collaboration is not new—however, according to the two parties it is more ambitious than ever before.

2019.11.14 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Michael Roost Clausen

Prognostic factors in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with focus on anemia, neutropenia and early infections.

2019.11.14 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media

PhD defence: Mikkel Carstensen

Investigations of subsets and activity of monocytes and B cells in Multiple Sclerosis.

Showing results 61 to 70 of 118

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