Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


According to PhD student Andreas Aalkjær Danielsen, the algorithm will be a good tool for the mental health professionals in terms of preventing the use of mechanical restraint. Photo: Lars Kruse, Aarhus University.

2019.10.29 | Research, Public/Media, Health

Big data can spot psychiatric inpatients who risk being subjected to mechanical restraint

Researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have used large amounts of data from sources including patients’ electronic medical records to find patterns that can identify patients who are at risk of being subjected to mechanical restraint. The findings will be used to develop an automatic “early warning system” that can help…

2019.10.29 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

New article in PNAS by Charlotte S. Sørensen and Magnus Kjærgaard

The article is entitled: "Effective concentrations enforced by intrinsically disordered linkers are governed by polymer physics". Click here to read it.

2019.10.29 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

Christian Vægter receives Ascending Investigator Grant of DKK 5 million from the Lundbeck Foundation

DANDRITE Affiliated Researcher, Christian Vægter, has received a grant that supports his research in chronic nerve pain.

Significantly fewer pregnant women take antidepressants. But choosing not to take the medicine is not always the best option.

2019.10.29 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

Significantly fewer pregnant women take antidepressants

Since 2011, the number of women receiving antidepressants during pregnancy has fallen by 33 per cent. This is shown by a comprehensive register-based study from Aarhus University.

Lars Dyrskjøt Andersen is one of the two Aarhus-based researchers heading the new national research centre for cancer DNA in the blood. Photo: Private.

2019.10.28 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff

New research centre for cancer DNA in the blood receives DKK 25 million

A blood test that measures cancer DNA in the blood is the pivotal point of a new national research centre which aims to pave the way for new diagnostic methods and for determining the correct treatment for cancer patients. The centre is receiving financial support from the Beat Cancer fundraising campaign.

2019.10.28 | Event, Language and communication, PhD students

Collaboration Planning – how to identify and contact important stakeholders

How do you establish collaborations and approach companies with your research ideas? Turn your research into impact and learn how to build relationships and plan projects in this hands-on workshop.

2019.10.28 | People news, Public/Media, Dandrite

Welcome to Anna Barta who is new student in Kvitsiani and Philipsborn group

Anna Barta will work on fruit fly project in Duda Kvitsiani’s lab. Anna will test how fruit flies forage for probabilistic rewards under different metabolic states. For this Anna will use newly developed natural reward delivery system in combination with measurements of metabolic state in individual animals. Anna’s work will be a collaboration…

2019.10.28 | Seminar, Technical / administrative staff, Health

Research Funding - Equal Opportunities?

Diversity and equal opportunity are priority focal points at Health.

Professor Claus Lindbjerg Andersen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is heading the national study which also involves all the colorectal cancer treatment centres in Denmark. Photo: Anita Graversen

2019.10.25 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Public/Media

Grant supports testing of new cancer detection programme

Traces of cancer can be detected both earlier – by approximately nine months – and more effectively with a new blood test developed by researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. The next step is to establish whether a new detection programme can uncover colorectal cancer relapses earlier and thereby save the lives of more…

2019.10.24 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Symposium on Single Cell and Spatial Sequencing Technologies and Applications

Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University and 10x Genomics welcomes researchers with an interest in single cell Gene Expression analysis and spatial transcriptomics.

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