2020.04.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Falls, motor dysfunction and the effects of resistance training in type 2 diabetic polyneuropathy.
2020.04.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Studies on the Genetic Basis of Recurrent Lymphocytic Meningitis (Mollaret’s Meningitis) Caused By Herpes Simplex-2 Virus.
2020.04.22 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
The Heart Skills Study - Health literacy and health literacy responsiveness in cardiac disease prevention and rehabilitation.
2020.04.21 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Ischemic Conditioning and Hemostasis in Surgery.
2020.04.21 | Research, PhD students, Health
Sweet food is even sweeter when you drink coffee. This is shown by the result of research from Aarhus University. The results have just been published in the scientific journal Foods.
2020.04.21 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Medicalisation in Pregnancy and Childbirth- unintended consequences of interventions.
2020.04.23 | Grants and awards, All groups, All AU units
Aarhus University's traditional Holst-Knudsen awards event has been cancelled due to the corona situation. But the awards will be still conferred. Find out how here.
2020.04.20 | Event, Academic staff, Neurocampus
Be part of the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum, where scientists from around the world will congregate to present the newest scientific and technological advances in understanding the workings of the various nervous systems, and where we will have the opportunity to meet, chat and connect. As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the FENS Forum 2020…
2020.04.20 | Grants and awards, Public/Media, Dandrite
In March, Ernst-Martin Füchtbauer was elected president of the largest international society for people working with genetically modified animals, namely the International Society for Transgenic Technology (ISTT).
2020.04.20 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Brain spatiotemporal dynamics of auditory patterns encoding and recognition.