2020.04.02 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff
The head of the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Siri Beier Jensen, is becoming more and more concerned about whether the many students will be able to complete their clinical instruction before the exams and the summer holiday. Here is the second week of the corona shutdown.
2020.04.02 | Grants and awards, Research, Health
Six researchers specialising in viral infections have been given special permission to circumvent the physical closure of the university in the name of corona research. Join Associate Professor Line Reinert for a look inside the high security laboratories in the Skou Building.
2020.04.01 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Public/Media
Postoperative Analgesia after Major Ankle and Hindfoot Surgery.
2020.04.01 | Research, Public/Media, External target group
A new research project at Aarhus University will exploit millions of years of evolution to develop sustainable biofuels. Among other things, the solution lies in the digestive system of pandas.
2020.04.01 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
The collaboration platform Teams, which is part of Microsoft Office 365, will now be available to all employees for virtual meetings. You can participate in a webinar and learn about Teams functionalities and how to use Teams.