2020.08.19 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health
Genetic and early life environmental risk factors for eating disorders.
2020.08.20 | Research, Public/Media, Department of Public Health
Fine particles such as road dust and exhaust fumes may contribute to children developing asthma and suffering from breathing difficulties. This is shown by a new large-scale study from Aarhus University.
2020.08.20 | Education, Technical / administrative staff, Health
The commencement of studies for the autumn semester 2020 has already led to grey hair among Health's studies administration, the reorganisation committee, board of studies and teaching staff even before it has really begun. The development of the coronavirus in Aarhus has made preparations difficult, but Vice-dean for Education Lise Wogensen Bach…
2020.08.20 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Public/Media
Associate Professor Anne Landau from Aarhus University is investigating why deep brain stimulation is an effective treatment of Parkinson's disease. The Independent Research Fund Denmark has given a grant of over DKK 2,8 million to the project, which involves minipigs, a new radioactive imaging ligand and advanced scanning techniques.
2020.08.19 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite
Prof. Anthony Zador from the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York will give a virtual DANDRITE lecture titled: "From Connectome to computation".
2020.08.19 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
Mateusz Dyla and Magnus Kjærgaard challenge one of the cornerstones of biochemistry, the Michaelis-Menten equation. Their research has resulted in a new publication in PNAS: "Intrinsically disordered linkers control tethered kinases via effective concentration".
2020.08.27 | Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine, Health
In a new study from the Danish psychiatry project iPSYCH, researchers have identified genetic risk factors for developing bipolar disorder and psychoses among people with depression. In the longer term, the results may contribute to ensuring the correct diagnosis is made earlier, so that the patients can receive the correct treatment as quickly as…
2020.08.18 | PhD defense, Public/Media, External target group
Statistical methods for metacognitive experiments.
2020.08.18 | Course, PhD students, Dandrite
This workshop focuses on cross-cultural collaboration within the Aarhus University context. Danish AU staff members are encouraged to attend together with AU International staff members.
2020.08.18 | Course, Academic staff, Dandrite
Two-part workshop on 8. October and 28. October 2020. International Academic Staff services offers workshops designed to give you insights into Danish culture, as well as into your own beliefs and stereotypes about culture in general.