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2020.09.02 | Event, PhD students, Dandrite

P-Type ATPases in Health and Disease – selected virtual talk

By Drs. Peter Vangheluwe (KU Leuven) and Milena Timcenko Tronsgaard (Aarhus University). Time: Sep 3, 2020 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join the networks. Turn up and get to know the colleagues you don’t yet know, even though you maybe can’t see a specific purpose. At some point, this type of investment yields something good, says Hans Erik Bøtker, new Vice-dean for Research, here next to some of the networkers at a meeting in the The Food and Nutrition Network. Photos: Simon Byrial Fischel and Jann Thiele Zeiss, AU-Health.

2020.09.01 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

What could a chance meeting in the new professional research networks lead to?

Big, bold research projects that bridge the university’s long-established divisions have traditionally come about because one researcher happens to know someone from another field of research or department. Health’s five different professional networks now offer researchers the opportunity to actively look for the chance meeting, says the new…

New grant allows five researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital to develop new molecular-biological tools to improve cancer treatment. Illustration: Jonathan Bjerg Møller, AU Health.

2020.09.01 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media

Researchers will fight leukaemia using tools from molecular biology

An interdisciplinary research group at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receives DKK 2.5 million from Karen Elise Jensen’s Foundation to examine new treatment options for patients with leukaemia. The research project runs over a three-year period.

2020.09.01 | Research, Public/Media, Health

Relatives in deep grief can be helped earlier

Many relatives who experience severe long-term grief reactions after bereavement have more frequent contact with their general practitioner already prior to bereavement, as well as a higher consumption of antidepressants and sedatives than those who have fewer critical symptoms of grief over time. This suggests that it may be possibleto prevent…

The Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) offers a number of PhD students from Health a test interview with radio hosts from P3 or P1. Photo: Colourbox.

2020.08.31 | Research, PhD students, Health

Television station needs young researchers to disseminate science

PhD students at Health are test subjects in the Danish Broadcasting Corporation's (DR) hunt for junior researchers with whom young listeners and readers in particular can identify.

Register for the LinkedIn course and learn how to communicate effectively on the professionals’ social media. Photo: AU Health.

2020.09.02 | Events, PhD students, Health

Places available: Do you want to learn to use LinkedIn?

Are you, or would you like to be, active on LinkedIn? And would you like to be able to utilise the professionals’ social media? Then here is your chance to learn new skills to use on the platform that can help you expand your network and draw attention to your work.

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