Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Lene Sofie Granfeldt Østgård's doctoral dissertation is based on data from all Danish patients diagnosed with acute leukemia since the year 2000. Photo: Private

2021.01.12 | People news, Health and disease, Academic staff

Aarhus has a new Doctor of Medical Science in leukaemia

PhD and Consultant Lene Sofie Granfeldt Østgård has defended her higher doctoral dissertation at Aarhus University. She has carried out a number of epidemiological studies on the disease acute myeloid leukaemia, and it is hoped that her dissertation will contribute to improved treatment options and survival for leukaemia patients.

2021.01.07 | PhD students, Graduate School of Health, Graduate School of Health


As a PhD student, you can now help assess the quality of your PhD programme by completing the questionnaire you have received in your e-Boks. The survey is conducted every four years, and the responses are included in the work AU does to ensure the quality of its PhD programmes.

2021.01.06 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health

Virtual PhD defence: Ida Charlotte Bay Lund

Fetal diagnostics and placental DNA

Dr. Cornelius Gross and Prof. Anthony Zador.

2021.01.06 | Administrative, Public/Media, Dandrite

Welcome to new members of DANDRITE's Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Cornelius Gross, Interim Head of EMBL Rome, and Prof. Anthony Zador from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, are new members of DANDRITE's Scientific Advisory Board for the next five years.

2021.01.05 | Conference, Academic staff, Inflammation Network

Annual meeting - the inflammation network

On November 11, the Inflammation Network hosts its inaugural ‘Inflammation Network Day’. Join us for a day of outstanding talks bridging basic and clinical research in inflammation.   The program features excellent keynotes on infection immunology, tumor immunology, autoimmunity and COVID pathogenesis, and numerous talks from experts…

2021.01.05 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

Four new engineering departments for Denmark

At the turn of the year, Aarhus University has implemented an organisational change to open four new departments. This is part of work to enhance research and educational activities within engineering science.

Foto: Anders Trærup/AU Foto

2021.01.05 | Research, Research, All groups

AU launches major quality analysis of its PhD programmes

As a PhD student, you can now help assess the quality of your PhD programme by completing the questionnaire you have received in your e-Boks. The survey is conducted every four years, and the responses are included in the work AU does to ensure the quality of its PhD programmes.

2021.01.04 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine seminar

Lecturer Christian Holm: "Silent Immunity – the everyday defense against SARS-CoV2 and Influenzaviruses in the airway epithelium"

2021.01.04 | Seminar, Research, PhD students

Biomedicine seminar

Lecturer Felicity Davis

2021.01.04 | Seminar, Research, Public/Media

Biomedicine seminar

Lecturer Trine Hyrup Mogensen: “Studies on the genetic and immunological basis of severe infectious diseases and primary immunodeficiencies”

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