Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Picture of Anne von Philipsborn.

2021.06.23 | People news, Academic staff, Dandrite

Anne von Philipsborn has been appointed a full professorship in Switzerland

DANDRITE Group Leader, Anne von Philipsborn, has been appointed full Professor in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at the Faculty of Science and Medicine of the University of Fribourg in Switzerland. Anne will be continuing her basic research in neuroscience with the Drosophila model and be involved in teaching pre-medical students. She will…

2021.06.23 | Education, Research, Public/Media

Call for applications to 12 PhD Scholarships

The Danish Cardiovascular Academy calls for applications for PhD scholarships. Applications can be within any field of cardiovascular research.

Award winners: Christian Stæhr, Zarmiga Karunanithi, Daniel Fyenbo & Jennifer van der Horst

2021.06.23 | Events, Public/Media, DCAcademy

The DCAcademy rewards young researchers and lifetime achievements

This year’s summer meeting in the Danish Cardiovascular Academy gave many young researchers the opportunity to present their work. The possibility of a reward for best oral and poster presentation gave additional motivation. Finally, a lifetime achievement award was established.

2021.06.24 | Administrative, Academic staff, IOOS

Newsletter 43 from the Head of Department

Dear All, We are approaching the highlights of this midsummer for all of us – (physical!) graduation AND vaccination.

2021.06.22 | Event, Technical / administrative staff, Health

Inspiration Day for municipalities and researchers at Aarhus University

A conference in which researchers and employees in municipalities/regions can present current challenges and arrive at a common description of the problem, which it would be useful to work together on in the future.

2021.06.21 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

PhD study grants and travel grants

Reinholdt W. Jorck og Hustrus Fond grants money to among other things PhD studies abroad and travels abroad.

2021.06.21 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

Call for nominations for "DSEB’s Innovations- og entreprenørskabspris"

Danish Society for Business and Education (DSEB) now accepts nominations for their "Innovations- og entreprenørskabspris"

Lars Christian Gormsen is the Department of Clinical Medicine’s new professor. Photo: Pia Crone Madsen.

2021.06.24 | People news, Research, Public/Media

Radioactive tracers give better scanning images

Consultant Lars Christian Gormsen has been appointed professor at Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital. He conducts research into the use of radioactive tracers that can improve the diagnosis of cancer and heart patients.

2021.06.21 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Annemarie Svane Aavild Poulsen

Investigation of SORL1 regulation

2021.06.21 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

6 tips about information security when working remotely

When working remotely, for example from your home office, you are often a more easy target for IT criminals. 6 tips are now available to help avoid that AU data falls into the wrong hands.

Showing results 21 to 30 of 97

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