Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Lisbeth Frostholm is newly appointed professor of health psychology at the Department of Clinical Medicine. Photo: Simon Fischel, Health Communication.

2021.05.06 | People news, Research, Academic staff

New professor is putting health psychology on the agenda

As newly appointed professor of health psychology at Aarhus University, Lisbeth Frostholm will help us better understand the role that the psyche plays in health and disease. With special focus on functional disorders, she is working to further develop research for the benefit of both the individual patient and the healthcare system as a whole.

A new pool of one million kroner will boost health's commitment to the European University Alliance Circle-U.

2021.05.06 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff

The faculty is restarting its European travel pool

Academic staff at Health can now apply for funding for an inspirational trip to one of AU’s six partner universities in the European Circle U. University Alliance. The Vice-Dean for Education is pleased that it will soon be possible to resume travel activities in the university alliance – now with a pool of DKK one million.

PhD student Cecilie Siggaard Jørgensen receives an Elite Researcher Travel Grant. Photo: Simon Fischel, Health AU

2021.05.06 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff

Cecilie Siggaard Jørgensen receives an Elite Researcher Travel Grant

PhD student Cecilie Siggaard Jørgensen is among the recipients of the coveted Elite Researcher Travel Grants awarded by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. She conducts research into child incontinence, and the travel grant will be used to visit international centres with which she collaborates.

Photo: Lars Kruse

2021.05.07 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Forceful criticism of AU’s handling of requests for access to documents in 2019

The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science has issued a sharp critique of Aarhus University’s handling of requests for access to documents in the wake of the so-called ‘beef case’. Release of documents was delayed, and incomplete reports were submitted to the agency. This is not acceptable, Rector Brian Bech Nielsen emphasises. “We must…

Ditte Demontis from the Department of Biomedicine is one of the initiators behind a major international research project focusing on lifestyle diseases and ADHD. The project is financed by Horizon2020 funds. Photo: Private.

2021.05.05 | Grants and awards, Technical / administrative staff, Health

Major EU grant strengthens Danish ADHD research

Associate Professor Ditte Demontis from Aarhus University conducts research into psychiatric genetics and is leading the genetics part of a major international research project which aims to promote the understanding and treatment of obesity and diabetes among people with ADHD.

[Translate to English:] Professor Signe Normand har publiceret mere end 60 videnskabelige artikler, hvoraf en stor del er udgivet i førende tidskrifter inden for forskningsfeltet. Hun er tildelt mange og prestigefyldte forskningsbevillinger f.eks. DFF: Sapere Aude Forskningsleder fra Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond og senest en ’Challenge’-bevilling fra Novo Nordisk Fonden på 60 millioner kr.

2021.05.25 | Research, All groups, All AU units

Professor Signe Normand receives the Elite Research Prize for 2021

Professor of biology Signe Normand from Aarhus University is among the recipients of the five Eliteforsk Awards 2021, which were announced on Thursday 6 May. Six research talents from Aarhus University also received Elite Research Travel Grants.

If you don't know where to begin and end in the giant haystack of genes, you can use a genome-wide CRISPR library to directly identify the genes you're searching for. Stockphoto: Pexels

2021.05.05 | Health and disease, Academic staff, Research

Need help identifying a specific gene?

As one of the few places in Denmark, Aarhus University has already established the use of genome-wide CRISPR libraries. The technology is now in use at the Department of Biomedicine, and from here Professor with special responsibilities (MSO) Jacob Giehm Mikkelsen reaches out to researchers from other fields.

Register for the LinkedIn course and learn how to communicate effectively on the professionals’ social media. Photo: AU Health.

2021.05.05 | Events, Administration (Academic), PhD students

Places available: Do you want to learn to use LinkedIn?

Are you, or would you like to be, active on LinkedIn? And would you like to be able to utilise the professionals’ social media? Then here is your chance to learn new skills to use on the platform that can help you expand your network and draw attention to your work.

Photo: Melissa B. K. Yildirim, AU Foto

2021.05.04 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, All AU units

Brightspace takes time to get used to

Aarhus University is changing its learning management system (LMS) from Blackboard to Brightspace. According to the educators on the ongoing pilots, this has several benefits. However, it takes time to get used to the platform. We have collected some of the experiences from the current pilot tests, which we will present in this article.

2021.05.04 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Workshops on online exams open for registration

The exam period is approaching, and most exams will take place online. If you need help on how to hold the best online exams, you can now sign up for faculty-specific workshops at the Centre for Educational Development (CED). Here you can also get personal advice and guidance.

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