If you are a supervisor for a student who has distinguished his- or herself through particularly excellent written work, then this is almost your last chance to nominate the person for the Health Student Research Prize 2022.
2021.11.04 |
The award was introduced by the academic council in order to highlight the breadth of student research at Health and is an alternative to the former gold medal assignment.
The Student Research Prize recognises students who have delivered excellent written work – for example a Master’s thesis, article, research year report, Bachelor's project and similar.
It is up to you as supervisor to nominate your talented student, research year student or Master's PhD student.
The deadline for nominations is 15 November 2021.
Health's Student Research Prize will be presented at the beginning of the new year, and the faculty will generally make one award per department.
On the faculty's website you can see who can be nominated, how to do it, and the criteria for assessing nominations.
You can also read the article ‘Three emerging researchers receive Health’s Student Research Prize 2020’
Advisor Tanja Hansen
Aarhus University, Health – The Dean’s Office
Mobile: (+45) 9350 8108
Email: tanja.hansen@au.dk