2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Adherence to medical treatment in relation to pregnancy, birth outcome & breastfeeding behaviour among women with Crohn's disease.
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
The effect of maternal exposure to psychosocial job strain on pregnancy outcomes and child development.
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Development of Gene Therapy for Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration.
2014.06.16 | Administrative, All groups, Department of Biomedicine
The internal problem analysis is a part of the university's follow-up on the academic development process. The group's report and sub-reports have now been published in Danish.
2014.06.16 | Research, Health and disease, All groups
A study from Aarhus University helps our understanding of the causes that may lie behind obesity and overweight.
2014.06.23 | People news, Public/Media, External target group
Peter Vedsted from Aarhus University has just received the Magda and Svend Aage Friederich Commemorative Scholarship. He receives the scholarship for his contribution to research within general medicine.
2014.06.24 | Health and disease, Public/Media, Health
The Danish Council for Independent Research Council (DFF) has recently awarded scholarships to 15 researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital.
2014.08.18 | People news, Academic staff, External target group
Danish research into disease management programmes receives international award Margrethe Smidth from Aarhus University has just received the award for best scientific abstract at the international conference "A Breath of Fresh Air” in Athens. She received the award for her research into the effect of disease management programmes for COPD…
2014.06.24 | Health and disease, Public/Media, Health
The Danish Council for Independent Research has recently awarded grants for Danish research projects and Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital is represented by 26 health science researchers who each receive substantial grants.
2014.06.12 | Academic staff, Health, Health
Sudden death in the young (1-35 years) in Seville over the last decade.