2014.06.25 | Administrative, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine
If you need to get in touch with the management in July, you may contact Anni Mandrup Høeg on phone 87 16 83 93 or by annimh@biomed.au.dk throughout July. Service in the local secretariats will be limited in some weeks.
2014.06.25 | Technical / administrative staff, All AU units, Aarhus University
This Wednesday, the UIC visits a special senior café.
2014.08.18 | People news, Academic staff, External target group
Three health science researchers from Aarhus University have just received a grant for a project in Rwanda. The project will examine the supervision of staff at healthcare centres in the African country.
2014.07.03 | Aarhus University, All AU units, All groups
From radar theory to microchips and a new understanding of the cognitive perception of autistic individuals
2014.06.25 | Research, Health and disease, All groups
A new study equates the general practitioner’s (GP) interpretation of signs of serious disease with the classical alarm symptoms which give direct access to fast diagnosis at the hospitals.
2014.08.18 | Collaboration, Health and disease, Academic staff
The Department of Dentistry has entered into a partnership for a Danish-Chinese pain research centre in conjunction with one of the leading dentistry schools in China. The new relationship opens up for research projects that would otherwise be difficult to realise in Denmark.
2014.08.18 | People news, Health and disease, Academic staff
Mette Lise Lousdal from Aarhus University has recently received a scholarship of DKK 204,000 from The Danish Cancer Research Foundation. The scholarship will strengthen her research into breast cancer screening.
2014.08.18 | Education, Academic staff, Health
On Wednesday 25 June 2014, 90 new medical doctors from Aarhus University pledge the Hippocratic oath. They graduate after a comprehensive reform of the Master's degree programme. We talked to two of the new graduates and asked them about their plans and dreams for the future.
2014.06.30 | Talent development, Health and disease, All groups
Last Friday the first eight innovators completed almost a year’s studying on Denmark's only education in healthcare innovation. The first patent applications are already in the pipeline.
2014.06.24 | Research, Health and disease, All groups
Children with autism are often first diagnosed at the ages of five or six – and even later for children with ADHD. A major Danish study now documents that deviant development can already be seen during the child’s first two years.