2014.06.18 | Research, All groups, All AU units
It’s hard to imagine this. But Andreas Roepstorff, sitting in front of me in a corner office with a view of the Nobel Park in Aarhus, was once a little boy sitting in a small cage with his legs crossed on the pedestrian precinct in Fredericia. He was holding a coloured plastic cube in his hands, and was twisting and turning it round and round.…
2014.06.30 | People news, Health and disease, Public/Media
The Danish Council for Independent Research has just awarded research funding from the Sapere Aude career programme and Jacob Fog Bentzon from AU and AUH has received DKK 6.4 million.
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Normal and impaired pleasure processing in the human brain.
2014.06.17 | Technical / administrative staff, Health, Department of Clinical Medicine
Bladder Cancer and Robotic Surgery At the Cutting Edge of Evidence.
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Identification of markers for metastases and treatment response in stage T1-4 bladder tumors.
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Prognosis of adults admitted to medical departments with community-acquired bacteremia.
2014.06.19 | Research, All groups, Arts
An interdisciplinary centre creating new knowledge about human interaction
2014.06.17 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Use of Glucocorticoids and Risk and Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer.
2014.06.19 | Research, All groups, All AU units
The Interacting Minds Centre for the Study of Cognition, Communication and Choice. Specific abilities for interaction are key to being human. Interactions affect our bodies, our minds, our brains and the world we live in. We are, however, only beginning to understand even the most basic mechanisms. Successful interaction is critical for…
2014.06.26 | People news, Technical / administrative staff, External target group
American Diana Schendel has been appointed Professor with special responsibilities at the Department of Public Health and the National Centre for Register-based Research at Aarhus University. Here she will continue to work on outlining possible factors involved in the development of autism.