2014.06.20 | Conference, All groups, All AU units
The Observer and the World: Does Science Explain the Universe?
2015.04.29 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group
Sydbank CEO Karen Frøsig (MA ´83) is one of the most powerful women in the Danish banking world. On the 20th of June 2014 Karen became a BSS Alum of the Year. ‘I am very proud to receive this prize’, Karen tells AU Alumni. ‘Things are so difficult these days because of the financial crisis. There have been a lot of problems to deal with, and then…
2014.06.30 | Technical / administrative staff, Health, Health
Health Byg Rengøring (Health Facility Cleaning) has been nominated for Aarhus Municipality’s Integration Prize 2014. We interviewed Cleaning Manager Bente Levisen to find out more about integration in the workplace.
2015.04.29 | Collaboration, Alumni, External target group
Managing Director and CEO Anders Christian Dam (MSc ’81) will be celebrating his 20-year employment anniversary at Jyske Bank next year. The honor of becoming a BSS Alum of the Year is therefore great timing. ‘I am looking forward to receiving the award’, Anders says to AU Alumni.
2014.06.18 | Research, Research, All groups
How do our brains process the language that we hear? This is the kind of thing that is studied by associate professor Mikkel Wallentin from the Interacting Minds Centre. In his research he draws on his academic background in dramaturgy and cognitive semiotics, which he combines with brain scans.
2014.06.19 | Research, Research, All groups
Let me hear your voice, and I’ll give you a diagnosis. While this might sound like science fiction, it’s not far off the goal of a research project at the Interacting Minds Centre. This is because people suffering from depression tend to speak monotonously, autistic patients speak mechanically, and schizophrenics speak tonelessly.
2014.06.11 | Research, All groups, All AU units
There are big differences in how successfully people with schizophrenia interact with other people socially. This is revealed by research done by the psychologist Vibeke Bliksted PhD. Based on the latest research and interdisciplinary cooperation, she is currently developing courses of treatment aimed at training social cognition in patients who…
2014.06.18 | Research, All groups, All AU units
A new study published by Aarhus University gives the lie to the conventional wisdom that Americans are particularly critical of the welfare state, while Danes are particularly enthusiastic supporters of it. The truth is that Danes and Americans agree in general about who they are prepared to support, because we are all driven by the same primitive…
2014.06.18 | Research, All groups, All AU units
Literature isn’t just enjoyable. It can be useful, too. Researchers at the Interacting Minds Centre regard literature as a form of mental technology which can create communities, thereby promoting social inclusion.