Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Specialty Registrar, PhD Christian Wejse. Privat foto.

2016.12.01 | People news, Academic staff, Health

Medical doctor from AU receives the Medicines for People award

Medical doctor and researcher Christian Wejse from Aarhus University has been honoured by Universities for Essential Medicines, which is a global association of medical students.

2016.12.14 | Conference, Public/Media, External target group

11th International Conference on Homocysteine and One-Carbon Metabolism

The scientific program will cover the fields of research related to homocysteine and one-carbon metabolism and include leading researchers from around the globe as well as young promising scientists.

Professor Vera Ehrenstein. Foto: AU Foto.

2016.12.01 | People news, Public/Media, External target group

Researcher with international profile appointed as new professor with special responsibilities (MSO) in Aarhus

With the appointment of Vera Ehrenstein, Aarhus University is getting a new professor with special responsibilities in the field of international post-marketing studies of medicines.

Thomas Borbjerg Andersen receives higher doctoral degree at AU.

2016.12.13 | People news, Public/Media, Health

AU researcher receives higher doctoral degree in spinal operations

Medical Specialist in orthopaedic surgery, Thomas Borbjerg Andersen, from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will become a new Doctor of Medical Science in spinal surgery.

2016.11.26 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

DCE professor elected member of the ENCePP steering committee

Professor MSO Vera Ehrenstein from Department of Clinical Epidemiology has been elected member of the 2017-2019 steering group for the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP). The network is aimed at strengthening the monitoring of post-marketed medical products in Europe and is coordinated by the…

[Translate to English:] Healths three 'must-win-battles' for 2017 has been identified.

2016.12.01 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, Health

Health has announced next year's strategic goals

Better grant proposals, opening the study programmes towards the medical industry and a programme for young research talents. The faculty management team has decided on three new ‘must-win-battles’, which must be realised next year.

2016.11.25 | Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

Present your research poster at Innovation for Health conference

The conference takes place 16 February 2017 at WTC Rotterdam, the Netherlands

2016.11.25 | Conference, Public/Media, External target group

Biotechnology for a longer life

How realistic is the dream of extending human longevity with several decades? What is the secret of long life?

[Translate to English:] Foto: Colourbox

2016.11.25 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Do you have any requests for AU's new webshop system?

A project group in AU Finance and Estates Project Development has started the process to find a new and more up-to-date webshop system for AU.

2016.11.25 | Administrative, All groups, Department of Biomedicine

Newsletter 68 November 2016

Dear all Please find the latest news.

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