Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2017.10.30 | PhD defense, Research, PhD students

PhD defence: Janni Lisander Larsen

Grasping the Existential Experience of Living with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. A Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Study.

Photo: Skype for Business

2017.10.30 | Collaboration, Administration (Academic), All groups

Skype for Business makes collaboration easier

You probably already know Skype – now AU offers Skype for Business to all employees.

Educating highly qualified researchers is an important task for Aarhus University, and in this connection understanding how PhD students experience the conditions offered by their programmes as well as their organization is decisive. Photo: Lars Kruse

2017.11.01 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Are you satisfied with your PhD programme?

Until November 27 all PhD students at Aarhus University can participate in a new survey with the aim to provide an in-depth understanding of the quality of PhD programmes throughout the university.

The programme for junior researchers is composed of several elements including course activities and a mentor scheme.

2017.11.02 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

Career development – now also for junior researchers

Fixed-term appointments, a lack of own research projects and the eternal status as middle author have thus far been the reality faced by many junior researchers. But with a new, structured programme the junior researchers at Health can look forward to getting their career on track from their first day at work.

Rector Brian Bech Nielsen pays a yearly visit to all the departments to hear what is happening. In October, it was the turn of the Department of Biomedicine. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU.

2017.11.01 | Events, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

The rector listened to Biomedicine

In keeping with tradition, Rector Brian Bech Nielsen visited the Department of Biomedicine at the beginning of October. This led to questions and ideas about research funding, recruitment of researchers and starting grants.

Photo: Anders Trærup

2017.10.31 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Increased user-friendliness in Blackboard to pave the way for rolling out EDU IT iniatives

The Education Committee is doing a status on Blackboard, which has been implemented this autumn as the only shared learning platform for all teaching staff and students across Aarhus University. The university has thus taken an important step in its efforts to disseminate educational IT, which in the long term will pave the way for more learning.…

Photo: Lars Kruse

2017.10.26 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Apply for funding for competency development

Applications for funding for competency development activities in 2018 are now being taken. Send your application by 15 December 2017.

Professor, MD, PhD, Inger Mechlenburg.

2017.11.02 | People news, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

AU and AUH get a new professor of orthopaedic rehabilitation

Inger Mechlenburg will be affiliated with Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital as a professor for the next five years. She will use this time to study the effect of strength training for patients who suffer from hip dysplasia, among other things.

As the first in the world, researchers from Aarhus University have found the molecular movements that take place in the very earliest eggs in the woman’s ovaries. Foto: Colourbox.

2017.11.02 | Research, Public/Media, Department of Biomedicine

New discovery could help childless women

As the first in the world, researchers from Aarhus University have found the molecular movements that take place in the very earliest eggs in the woman’s ovaries. In the long term, this discovery could help childless women who, despite fertility treatments, cannot become pregnant.

Morten Schallburg Nielsen will use the grant of DKK 300,000 to immerse himself in the brain's transport receptors. Photo: AU.

2017.11.02 | Grants and awards, Health and disease, Academic staff

DKK 300,000 to research into improved medication of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

Associate Professor and PhD Morten Schallburg Nielsen from the Department of Biomedicine at Aarhus University is receiving DKK 300,000 from the Riisfort Foundation. The grant will go towards funding research into the blood-brain barrier, and lead to the improved medication of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

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