2018.04.26 | Event, PhD students, Department of Biomedicine
Health invites all employees to the faculty party on Friday 24 August 2018 - we hope to see you!
2018.05.03 | Events, PhD students, Department of Forensic Medicine
On Friday 24 August 2018, Health is holding its faculty party for all employees. The evening includes food and drink, music and dancing and perhaps a surprise or two. You are invited, so reserve the date immediately.
2018.04.26 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine
Absorption of Vitamin B12 - An experimental study in rats and a clinical study on patients undergoing bariatric surgery
2018.04.25 | Event, Public/Media, External target group
Film screening at MoMu.
2018.04.24 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
"If you are not directly involved in projects related to the data protection regulation, it is still important that you understand the impact it will have on your work," Arnold Boon writes on his blog.
2018.04.24 | Event, Research, All groups
In this one day symposium, A range of experts from multidisciplinary fields will introduce their development of cutting-edge technologies and the application of these techniques to answering fundamental questions in neurobiology.
2018.04.24 | Event, Research, All groups
On Wednesday 9 May 2018, PhD and Assistant prof Katherine A Hoadley from UNC-Chapel Hill will give a talk on "The Cancer Genome Atlas – PanCancer Molecular Classifications".
2018.04.24 | Event, Health and disease, PhD students
MRI virtual microscopy: Towards non-invasive, super-resolution microscopy of brain tissue.
2018.04.24 | Event, PhD students, Graduate School of Health
Aarhus University’s senior management team invites all students and employees to a general meeting in the Great Hall on 2 May from 10:00-11:30. The senior management team will present the visions for the university’s physical development which have been approved by the board.
2018.05.07 | Administrative, Academic staff, All AU units
A new joint timetabling and exam planning system will be implemented at AU. The purpose is to simplify the planners’ working procedures and provide an improved overview