Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


PhD student Oscar Casares-Magaz.

2018.04.05 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Oscar Casares-Magaz

Image-based Biological Modelling in Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer

PhD student Casper Kierulf Lassen.

2018.04.05 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Casper Kierulf Lassen

The Functional and Molecular Response to Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Kidney. Modulating Effects of Two Conditioning Interventions: Remote Ischemic Conditioning and Unilateral Nephrectomy

2018.04.05 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Anne Birgitte Simonsen

Allergic contact dermatitis in children

2018.04.05 | Course, Public/Media, External target group

Operational management of externally funded research projects

The purpose of the course is to provide junior researchers with valuable knowledge about the support and services available to them at AU.

PhD student Vibeke Lynggard

2018.04.05 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

PhD defence: Vibeke Lynggard

LC-REHAB: Effect of the patient education Learning and Coping Strategies in cardiac REHABilitation - a randomised controlled trial

PhD student Louise Stride Nielsen

2018.04.05 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Department of Forensic Medicine

PhD defence: Louise Stride Nielsen

Advances in comparative analyses of cocaine and amphetamine seizures

2018.04.05 | Course, Administration (Academic), All groups

English course for international employees in June

Do you struggle with presentations in English? Would you like to better contribute at English meetings? Or would you just like to be better at small talk? Then the English course for international employees may be for you.

2018.04.05 | Event, Public/Media, Department of Clinical Medicine

Inaugural lecture: Birgitte Vrou Offersen

New Professorship at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University

[Translate to English:] Foto: Lars Kruse

2018.04.05 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

Having trouble with Blackboard? Contact the new support desk

On 1 April, a new independent support desk for Blackboard opened. The support desk will provide technical support and respond to inquiries about functionality.

Professor Marco Capogna

2018.04.04 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff

DKK 0.5 million to PROMEMO group leader

Marco Capogna has been granted DKK 0.5 million by Lundbeckfonden to investigate neuron types and synaptic plasticity in the human cerebral cortex

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