Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2018.04.04 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

The OK18 labour dispute

The conciliation board has postponed the labour dispute, and the strikes are now scheduled to begin on 22 April at the beginning of the day (00:00 hours), and the lockout is set to begin on 28 April at the beginning of the day (00:00 hours).

Post.doc. Yongfu Yu, MSc, PhD at Department of Clinical Epidemiology

2018.03.29 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Grant from the Lundbeck Foundation

Post.doc. Yongfu Yu, PhD, from DCE, has received a grant of DKK 700,000 from the Lundbeck Foundation.

2018.03.27 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Research year student

House Meeting in the Bartholin building, Department of Biomedicine

From 9-10.30 in auditorium 1

2018.03.27 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Research year student

House Meeting in building 1230, Department of Biomedicine

From 9-10.30 in the coffee room

2018.03.27 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Research year student

House Meeting in buildings 1160 and 1180, Department of Biomedicine

From 9-10.30 a.m. in the coffee room

2018.03.27 | Meeting, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

House Meeting in building 1170, Department of Biomedicine

From 9-10.30 a.m. in the coffee room

2018.03.26 | Event, Research, All groups

PROMEMO Mini symposium on MEMORY

The new Center of Excellence, Center for Proteins in Memory (PROMEMO), is celebrating its official opening on the 4th of April. PROMEMO is a Center of Excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and the research activities aim to identify and understand the function of memory associated proteins that determines the persistence of…

2018.03.23 | Conference, Art, culture and media, Academic staff

Affects, Interfaces, Events

The proliferation of digital interactive technologies in everyday life produces intensified forms of affect through interface foldings of bodies, subjectivities and technologies. In combining theories on affect, interfaces and events the conference investigates this contemporary condition on social, aesthetic, and political levels of interest.

Photo: Lars Kruse

2018.03.23 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Students

As as student, what do I need to know about the labour dispute?

We have created a FAQ page where you can find answers to the most important questions about how the labour dispute will affect you as a student – if it becomes a reality. The page will be updated regularly.

Photo: Lars Kruse

2018.03.23 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

The latest news on OK18

AU has put together a FAQ for students which provides answers to the most important questions they will face if the labour dispute becomes a reality. The extent to which classes would be affected by a labour dispute will be decided after the Easter break.

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