2018.10.31 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
Dear all Please find the latest news:
2018.10.31 | Research, Public/Media, iPSYCH
There is a lot of prejudice and misconception about ADHD. Today - the final day of the international ADHD awareness month - we are releasing the video on ADHD that shines a light on living with ADHD, from a personal and a scientific perspective. Created by a team of young researchers of the MiND research project in collaboration with Aggressotype,…
2018.10.31 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
"Aarhus University must work to ensure that the decision to outsource always takes employees into consideration – and with an eye towards the best and most efficient solution for the university. The senior management team has adopted a strategy on competitive tendering of operations to support this aim," Arnold Boon writes on his blog.
2018.10.31 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
To provide the university with a solid process for evaluating the pros and cons of outsourcing, AU has developed a strategy for the competitive tendering of business operations. At appropriate intervals, technical and administrative business operations must be evaluated, and their market valuation assessed. One aspect of the strategy is that…
2018.10.31 | PhD defense, Health and disease, Academic staff
Signe Toft Andersen will defend her thesis entitled Diabetic neuropathy and type 2 diabetes
2018.10.31 | Event, Research, Academic staff
Once again we have called a meeting for the purpose of giving IDNC affiliated researchers, PhD students, and postdocs based in Denmark the opportunity to give an update on and discuss their respective IDNC studies All students/postdocs (or their supervisors in exceptional cases) are expected to give a 10-15 min update on their respective IDNC…
2018.10.30 | Research, Research, All groups
Sâmia Joca and others have just published "Attenuation of glutamatergic and nitrergic system contributes to the antidepressant-like effect induced by capsazepine in the forced swimming test" in Behavioural Pharmacology
2018.10.31 | People news, Health and disease, Academic staff
On 1 December, the Department of Clinical Medicine will get three new deputy heads of department – for education, research and talent, respectively. This is one more than originally planned, with the reason being that Department Head Jørgen Frøkiær came to a realisation along the way.
2018.10.30 | Conference, Public/Media, External target group
The aim of the 4th Brainnovation day “Degradation and Recycling of Inorganic Materials” is to significantly increase dialogue and collaboration between the industry and AU. This year we will address this specific theme and, in particular, the many challenges associated with choice of technology, material integration, analysis methods, exploitation…
2018.10.30 | Conference, All groups, All AU units
Food markets today are characterised by global supply chains and global brands, but at the same time there is an increasing importance of localness and authenticity. Marketing food in international markets therefore requires, more than ever, an in-depth understanding of target markets and the ability to turn that understanding into the right…