2020.08.11 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
The paper by Muwan Chen, Muyesier Maimaitili, Mette Habekost, Katherine P. Gill, Noëmie Mermet-Joret, Sadegh Nabavi, Fabia Febbraro, and Mark Denham is entitled: "Rapid generation of regionally specified CNS neurons by sequential patterning and conversion of human induced pluripotent stem cells".
2020.08.14 | People news, Research, All groups
This year, Crown Prince Frederik can celebrate graduating as an MSc in political science from Aarhus University 25 years ago. The Crown Prince himself, his former fellow students and current associates have provided stories about the Crown Prince's relationship with Aarhus University – from discussions about the AGF football team and sociologists…
2020.09.02 | Event, Technical / administrative staff, Health
Are you, or would you like to be, active on LinkedIn? And would you like to be able to utilise the professionals’ social media? Then here is your chance to learn new skills to use on the platform that can help you expand your network and draw attention to your work.
2020.08.07 | Symposium, Public/Media, Dandrite
The Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics is hosting the second Young Investigator Symposium. The idea is to attract early career researchers who will be eligible for one or more of the Danish investigator grants and offer them a base to establish themselves as independent group leaders for a limited time.
2020.08.06 | Meeting, Public/Media, Dandrite
The 10th Annual Meeting of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for Molecular Medicine is this year hosted by MIMS, Umeå University and will be held online from 22- 25 September 2020.
2020.08.06 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
How can drugs used for treating e.g. dementia bypass the blood-brain barrier? This is one of the questions that Morten Schallburg Nielsen, new professor of neuroscience at Aarhus University's Department of Biomedicine, is particularly focused on answering.
2020.08.05 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff
As part of an international collaboration, researchers from Aarhus University have succeeded in developing a dynamic 3D CT scanning method that shows what happens inside the body during simulated heart massage. The method could help to increase the chance of surviving a cardiac arrest.
2020.08.06 | People news, Research, Public/Media
Some people suffer frequent infections and become very ill, while others are almost never affected. In a new professorship, Trine Hyrup Mogensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital will study why this is.
2020.08.06 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
Due to a recent coronavirus outbreak, all parties in connection with orientation week introduction week have been cancelled, and there will be no Friday bars until further notice.
2020.08.06 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
Aarhus University places a high priority on in-person teaching activities on campus. The university’s general policy is that this autumn’s teaching activities are to take place in person on campus, to the extent that this is compatible with health and safety considerations.