2020.06.15 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media
Medical Doctor Laura Linnea Määtta has received DKK 1.1 million from the Danish Diabetes Academy to investigate whether a new biomarker is able to detect nerve damage in the feet earlier. The grant will finance Laura Linnea Määttä’s PhD degree programme at Aarhus University and the Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus, and will benefit people suffering…
2020.06.15 | Event, Academic staff, Neurocampus
The title of the lecture is "Feedback from retinal ganglion cells to the inner retina".
2020.06.15 | Event, Academic staff, Neurocampus
The title of the lecture is "From c-Fos to extrasynaptic proteolysis in order to glimpse into a mind".
2020.06.15 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
The article is entitled: "The C‐terminal domains of the NMDA receptor: How intrinsically disordered tails affect signalling, plasticity, and disease".
2020.06.12 | Research, Academic staff, IDNC
Diabetisk polyneuropati kan have store konsekvenser for hverdag, livskvalitet og identitet. Men ikke alle får talt med lægen om det i god nok tid. Det peger kvalitativt studie fra IDNC på.
2020.06.11 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite
The title of the lecture is "Feedback from retinal ganglion cells to the inner retina". Hiroki Asari is the group leader of EMBL Rome at Epigenetics and Neurobiology Unit in Italy.
2020.06.11 | Event, Public/Media, Dandrite
The title of the lecture is "From c-Fos to extrasynaptic proteolysis in order to glimpse into a mind".
2020.06.11 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), PhD students
After almost three months of working at home, often in more or less makeshift home offices, many of the faculty's employees have now returned to the university. We have visited offices, clinics and meeting rooms and asked nine of our colleagues what they have missed most and what they have learned from working remotely.
2020.06.10 | PhD defense, Technical / administrative staff, Health
Does exposure to insecticides increase the risk of diabetes melleitus and lung function impairment?
2020.06.10 | Events, Research, All groups
MSc student Louise Sand Kirk will defend her Master's thesis "Dysregulation of Selected microRNAs Targeting Bdnf and Vegf in Animal Models of Depression".