2020.11.18 | Research, All groups, All AU units
Now is the time to ask your foreign research colleague whether he or she is going to apply for an AIAS-COFUND Fellowship. Deadline 15 January 2021.
2020.11.16 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi
DCE researchers behind best paper published in Pharmacoepidemiology & Drug Safety
2020.11.16 | People news, Public/Media, Neuroscience
Naoki Yamawaki is new Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedicine and member of the Neuroscience Theme
2020.11.16 | People news, Public/Media, Neuroscience
Asami Tanimura is new Associate Professor at the Department of Biomedicine and member of the Neuroscience Theme.
2020.11.16 | Research, Public/Media, Neuroscience
As a result of the low level of activities in 2020, the Neuroscience Theme has decided to help theme members with financial support to certain expenses, e.g. publication fees, support for grant writing, expenses arising from cancellations etc.
2020.11.16 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health
HPV vaccination and suspected adverse events - the role of prior health status
2020.11.16 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health
Retention, stability and patient perceptions after orthodontic treatment
2020.11.12 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health
The Brain Matters in Simple Congenital Heart Defects
2020.12.02 | Conference, Academic staff, Food and nutrition network
ESNS- European Sport Nutrition Society is dedicated to bring together a significant number of diverse experts and professional in the field of Sport Nutrition, supplementation and exercise. ESNS Digital Meeting 2020 will host international speakers and world renowed experts with its high-quality contents, it will provides an exceptional value for…
2020.11.12 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, Health
The reorganisation of teaching, students studying from home and digital exams are no longer an exception, but rather a basic condition. How do we operate in this reality, and how can we move forward? An educational counsellor, a degree programme director and a vice-dean present their perspectives.