Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2021.01.20 | Research, Public/Media, External target group

Robotic colleague takes over the production line at Aarhus factory

Monday 18 January was demo day at Jydsk Emblem Fabrik A/S in Malling – a 135-year-old family-owned company, which was demonstrating an intelligent, self-propelled, collaborative mobile robot manipulator system in its production processes.

2021.01.19 | Administrative, All groups, All AU units

New workshops in online teaching: get ready for the upcoming semester

We are looking at a spring semester where online teaching is still the dominant way to teach students at Aarhus University. If you need to be equipped to teach online or simply want new inspiration for your online teaching, you can take part in one of the new workshops offered by CED.

2021.01.19 | Event, Academic staff, Dandrite

Introduction Seminar for new AU employees

At this event, you will be introduced to some of the various services and functions that exist for AU employees and not least meet the rector. You can see the program and sign up here.

2021.01.19 | Event, Academic staff, Health

DANDRITE Student ENCOUNTERS 2021 - virtual

Are you looking for a neuroscience Bachelor, Master or PhD project? Then join DANDRITE Student ENCOUNTERS 2021 and get inspiration and insights on opportunities for student projects in DANDRITE’s different research groups. Please note that deadline for registration is 22 February.

2021.01.19 | Event, Academic staff, Dandrite

The Danish Science Festival

The Danish Science Festival is an annual week-long festival taking place in April. The festival is comprised af more then 700 lectures and events around the country. The festival attract around 70,000 visitors every year.

The four health science deans discuss in Altinget on Tuesday 19 January 2020 How Denmark can become the best country in the world to grow older via interdisciplinary research and knowledge from all over the country.

2021.01.21 | Research, Technical / administrative staff, External target group

The good life for the elderly ought to be based on knowledge and research from all of Denmark

The pandemic has demanded and accelerated strong collaboration across research areas, disciplines, organisations and sectors. We can learn a lot from this for coming mutual solutions to new infectious viral outbreaks along the lines of Covid-19, and better health for the elderly, optimum patient treatment, greater health equality etc. This is the…

2021.01.18 | Research, Public/Media, Health

Loss of smell is the best sign of COVID-19

Two international studies confirm that for the majority of patients with respiratory infections who lose the sense of smell, this is due to COVID-19. The disease also often results in both loss of taste and the other senses in the mouth. A researcher from Aarhus University has contributed to the new results.

Jane Hvarregaard Christensen and Cecilie Siggaard Jørgensen are some of the researchers behind the study.

2021.01.18 | Research, PhD students, Health

Specific genes increase the risk of bedwetting

In a large-scale study of Danish children and young people, researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital have for the first time found genetic variants that increase the risk of nocturnal enuresis – commonly known as bedwetting or nighttime incontinence. The findings provide completely new insights into the processes in the…

Men's psychological well-being was lower in the November-December measurement than it was during the spring lockdown, while the trend has gone in the opposite direction for women, says Søren Dinesen Østergaard. Photo: Martin Gravgaard

2021.01.19 | Research, Health and disease, Public/Media

Psychological well-being declined during the second wave of the pandemic – especially for men

Our psychological well-being follows the rise and fall of the infection rate, but whereas psychological well-being fell most for women during the spring lockdown, it is men who are hardest hit during the second wave. This is shown by a new study from Aarhus University.

2021.01.18 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

New interdisciplinary consortium at AU will study membrane-less organelles

Associate Professor Magnus Kjærgaard participates in a new consortium, BOUNDLESS, headed by Associate Professor Frans Mulder and funded by the Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. With the grant of DKK 14.4 M, the consortium will study how membrane-less organelles control key biological processes.

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