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2021.06.11 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Graduate School of Health

Grosserer M. Brogaard og Hustrus Mindefond

Call for applications for grants for research within leukaemia

The new method is developed from the researchers’ new data and implementation of an algorithm, which gives a prediction on what gRNAs that work most efficiently. Photo: Pixarbay

2021.06.10 | Research, Health and disease, Academic staff

Researchers’ algorithm to make CRISPR gene editing more precise

Researchers from Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen have developed a new method, which makes CRISPR gene editing more precise than conventional methods. The method selects the molecules best suited for helping the CRISPR-Cas9 protein with high-precision editing at the correct location in our DNA, the researchers explain.

2021.06.10 | Event, PhD students, Health

Test yourself at Medical Innovation Day

Join us at this year’s Medical Innovation Day which brings together students, researchers and business representatives to exchange ideas and think up solutions for health challenges of the future.

2021.06.23 | Research, PhD students, Department of Clinical Medicine

Testing several genes can lead to better effect of medicinal products

Most of us have genetic variations that increase the risk of medicinal products not being effective. In order to provide a more effective treatment with fewer side effects, we need to analyse more of these genetic variations. This will provide us with more precise knowledge about how the individual patient reacts to medicinal products. A new…

2021.06.10 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite

Professor Poul Nissen awarded the Anders Jahre's medical prize 2021

One of Scandinavia’s most prestigious research honours, the Anders Jahre Medical Prize, has been conferred on Professor Poul Nissen of Aarhus University. The prize has been awarded in recognition of Professor Nissen’s groundbreaking research on the structure and function of membrane proteins. His work has advanced our understanding of a variety of…

Professor Poul Nissen Photo: Aarhus Universitet

2021.06.10 | Grants and awards, Research, All groups

Professor Poul Nissen is this year’s recipient of the Anders Jahre Medical Prize

One of Scandinavia’s most prestigious research honours, the Anders Jahre Medical Prize, has been conferred on Professor Poul Nissen of Aarhus University. The prize has been awarded in recognition of Professor Nissen’s groundbreaking research on the structure and function of membrane proteins. His work has advanced our understanding of a variety…

2021.06.09 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Anders Damgaard Møller Schlünsen

24-hour access hospital outpatient clinics for patients with exacerbation of chronic conditions

2021.06.09 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Marie Vognstoft Hjortbak

Disparity in the cardioprotective efficacy of ischemic conditioning strategies against myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury - Interaction with age, diabetes, aerobic capacity and antithrombotic treatment

2021.06.09 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health

PhD defence: Tingting Gu

Do conditioned extracellular vesicles protect brains from ischemic injury? – proof from a murine stroke model

2021.06.09 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

PhD defence: Nick Yin Larsen

Characterization of Pyramidal Cells in Layer III of Brodmann Area 46 in Schizophrenia and Depression - A Postmortem Study of Human Autopsy Brains

Showing results 61 to 70 of 97

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