2021.03.08 | Research, Administration (Academic), All groups
How can businesses and organisations generate more climate-friendly procurement? Aarhus University will help to answer this question when a working group headed by the university roll up their sleeves as part of a new climate alliance in Aarhus.
2021.03.05 | Talent development, PhD students, Graduate School of Health
NorDoc Summer School takes place 16-21 August in Copenhagen - sign up now!
2021.03.05 | Research, PhD students, Dandrite
The paper is made in collaboration with Prof. N. Pavese and Prof. E. Tolosa. You can find more information and a link to the publication here.
2021.03.11 | Events, Administration (Academic), All groups
18 PhD student will battle for to become AU’s contestant in the European final of the Three Minute Thesis Competition, which crowns the best research graduate student research communicator in Europe. Join this virtual AU event on 18 March, when research talents will present talk on a wide variety of topics, from radicalisation and extremism and…
2021.03.04 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff
Can three injections of allergen into a lymph node help people who have grass pollen allergy? Researchers from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital believe that it can, and they have received a grant of DKK 15 million from the Innovation Fund Denmark to study the new vaccination method more closely.
2021.03.04 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
Glycine can stimulate or inhibit neurons in the brain, thereby controlling complex functions. Unraveling the three-dimensional structure of the glycine transporter, researchers have now come a big step closer to understanding the regulation of glycine in the brain. These results, which have been published in Nature, open up opportunities to find…
2021.03.03 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health
Organisation of Danish emergency departments
2021.03.03 | PhD defense, PhD students, Health
Protective role of KCa3.1 ion channel blockers in animal models of acute respiratory distress syndrome
2021.03.03 | Research, Public/Media, Dandrite
A paper from Keisuke Yonehara’s lab entitled “Rapid multi-directed cholinergic transmission in the central nervous system” has been published in Nature Communications. Akihiro Matsumoto from Yonehara lab shares the first authorship with Santhosh Sethuramanujam from Gautam Awatramani lab at University of Victoria, Canada.
2021.03.02 | People news, Public/Media, Dandrite
As of 1 March Benedicte will be taking over Jette’s tasks in Poul Henning Jensen's group which are both administrative and experimental. The experimental work will primarily be protein chemical work but also cell culture and molecular biological tests. Benedicte will also contribute to the organization of the group, manage purchases, supervise…