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Professor Karin Lykke-Hartmann is well aware of the issues with gender equality at the Faculty, yet she has never felt that her own gender was a burden to her career. Photo: Simon Byrial Fischel, AU Health.

2021.10.07 | Policy and strategy, Administration (Academic), Public/Media

"Find your own way, or you won’t find any"

There is a significant gender imbalance at the top of the academic career ladder. Professor Karin Lykke-Hartmann is well aware of this. Yet, though the odds are stacked against her, the imbalance has not affected her much on her way to the professorship. She does not want affirmative action and insists on relying on her own academic results.

2021.10.06 | Meeting, Research, Academic staff

French delegation from CNRS visits PROMEMO and DANDRITE

A delegation from the French National Centre for Scientific Research visits AU to explore possibilities for future collaborations on Tuesday 12 October.

2021.10.06 | People news, Research, PhD students

New book chapter online

PROMEMO PI and former DNRF CoE Center Director Poul Nissen's contribution to the book "Fortællinger fra Grundforskningens Grænseland" published by the Danish National Research Foundation is now online.

“Freedom of research is extremely important. It’s our foundation. But if we are to have some major focus areas – and I think we should – then we’re going to need high-quality, international beacons of excellence,” says Anne-Mette Hvas. She will take over the dean’s office on 1 December. Photo: Bo Amstrup, Ritzau Scanpix.

2021.10.06 | People news, Academic staff, Department of Forensic Medicine

"I’ll always be looking at how we can translate what’s written on paper into action"

Because I come directly from the research world, I can build a strong bridge between practice and the ambitions that the university has, says Anne-Mette Hvas. As the new Dean of the Faculty of Health, she will engage in dialogue with the departments on internationalisation, on gender equality and on research – both its strengths and the threats it…

Anne-Mette Hvas will take up the position of dean of the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University. Photo: Michael Harder/AUH

2021.10.06 | People news, Research, All groups

Professor Anne-Mette Hvas is the new dean of the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University

On 1 December, Anne-Mette Hvas will take up the position of dean of the Faculty of Health at Aarhus University. Dr Hvas is currently serving as the deputy head of the Department of Clinical Medicine and is a consultant at Aarhus University Hospital. She has high ambitions for health science research and education at AU.

2021.10.06 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Gitte Hoff Valentin

Social inequalities in incidence and consequences of fragility fractures

Photo: Claus Bjørn Larsen

2021.10.05 | Grants and awards, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

Award from the Danish Diabetes Association

On Friday, postdoc Jakob Tarp received a research award presented by the Head of the Danish Diabetes Association Jørgen Andersen.

Internship Program in The Kitchen. Foto: Patrick Vester Engel, AU
Fidel Delgado
Sofie Rehnström

2021.10.05 | Collaboration, Administration (Academic), All groups

Students spend a semester in The Kitchen turning their own startup into reality

The Kitchen’s Internship Program gives students from various departments of Aarhus University the chance to try out the life of an entrepreneur. As interns in their own startup, they spend a semester trying to bring their startup ideas to life. We have asked two hopeful entrepreneurs to share their experiences with the program so far.

Picture of Ilaria Rossomanno.

2021.10.05 | People news, PhD students, Dandrite

Welcome to Ilaria Rossomanno who is new Erasmus Master Student in Denham Group

Ilaria Rossomanno will start as Erasmus Master Student in Denham Lab per 7 October. In the traineeship, she will learn and work with how to analyse human stem cell-derived neuronal cultures, specifically the work will be focused on generating dopaminergic neurons. Welcome Ilaria!

957 members of teaching staff at Health have responded to a questionnaire in which they assess their pedagogical competences. In addition to positive trends, the survey shows that there is a need to strengthen competences in a number of areas. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo.

2021.10.06 | Education, Public/Media, Health

New policy for competency development of the teaching staff is on the way

A survey of the pedagogical competences of teaching staff at Health shows positive developments. At the same time, there is a need to strengthen competency in areas such as e.g. digital teaching and course- and module design. The next step is a new policy for competency development.

Showing results 81 to 90 of 102

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