Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


2021.09.10 | Seminar, Public/Media, Dandrite

YoDa Hybrid Career café

Young DANDRITE YoDA is inviting you to a hybrid Career Café our guest is Juliane Martin who did her PhD at DANDRITE. She will present her journey along her career path.

Associate Professor Camilla Nyboe, MD PhD. Photo: private photo.

2021.09.10 | Grants and awards, Public/Media, ctvs

Camilla Nyboe receives funds from the Research Council at Aarhus University Hospital

Associate Professor Camilla Nyboe, MD PhD receives funds from the Research Council at Aarhus University Hospital to establish herself in her own research field.

Empower your talent 11-12 Nov featuring Morten Albæk

2021.09.10 | Event, Public/Media, DCAcademy

Event: Empower your talent

We invite you to a unique event focusing on career and personal development within the field of cardiovascular research. Among the speakers are Morten Albæk who will host a workshop on priorities in life and Professor Finn Gustafsson from Rigshospitalet who will give an interesting talk on the artificial heart.

The DHL Relay Race back after a year's break (Photo: Marjun Danielsen)

2021.09.10 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

1,550 AU employees ran and walked at the the DHL Relay Race

Aarhus University took part in the DHL Relay Race in Aarhus, Copenhagen and Odense again this year, after a break in 2020.

2021.09.10 | Research, All groups, All AU units

Associate professor of philosophy and professor of education receive prizes of honour

Associate Professor Lars Bo Gundersen has been awarded the Prize of Honour for Pedagogics for his engaging teaching in logic, and Professor Eva Gulløv, who researches children’s relationships, has been awarded the Research Communication Prize. Both honours will be conferred in connection with Aarhus University's annual celebration on 10 September…

2021.09.10 | PhD defense, PhD students, Dept Clin Epi

PhD defence

Rikke Nørgaard Pedersen

2021.09.10 | Event, Dandrite, Dandrite

*CANCELLED* DANDRITE Christmas get-together 2021

The event is sadly cancelled!

2021.09.10 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups

IT systems are working again after technical problems

The connection to the IT systems that were affected by a breakdown earlier this week has now been restored. A number of students have lost emails they should have received via their AU email. The students affected will be notified directly.

2021.09.10 | Seminar, Academic staff, Dandrite

Webinar - Typical challenges in academic drug discovery

The TTO Business Development is hosting a webinar with two experts in medicinal chemistry and drug discovery - Simon Mcdonald and Richard Hatley from RGDscience, Cambridge. You can read more and sign up here.

2021.09.13 | People news, Public/Media, Health

Is there a correlation between widespread diseases and kidney problems?

Consultant Jesper Nørgaard Bech has been recently appointed as professor at Aarhus University. He conducts research into widespread diseases such as diabetes and their significance for the development of kidney diseases

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