Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Annie Landau

2020.06.30 | Grants and awards, Research, All groups

Annie Landau receives important grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark

Annie Landau receives 2.88 million DKK from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for the project "PET Imaging the effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on synaptic transporter function in a large animal model of Parkinson's disease"

Frederikke Demant Søholm Larsen

2020.06.30 | Events, Research, All groups

6 July: Online MSc defence by Frederikke D. S. Larsen

MSc student Frederikke Demant Søholm Larsen will defend her Master's Thesis "The Activin Pathway in Rodent models of Depression: Effects of S-Ketamine and Cannabidiol".

Inger Mechlenburg and Ulrik Dalgas from the Department of Clinical Medicine and the Department of Public Health combine their professional expertise and hope to help physiotherapists improve the treatment of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip. Photo: Melissa Yildirim/AU and private.

2020.06.29 | Grants and awards, Research, PhD students

What type of training works best for hip patients?

Professor Inger Mechlenburg and Associate Professor Ulrik Dalgas from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital receive a little more than DKK 700,000 to study which form of training works best for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip.

2020.06.29 | PhD defense, Academic staff, Dandrite

Qualifying exam: "Towards a better understanding of CDC50-independent P4-ATPases"

Line Marie Christiansen has her qualifying exam tuesday 7 July. The exam will take place at MBG conference room (3130-303) and starts at 13.15.

2020.06.29 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Technical / administrative staff

Coronavirus taught us to save electricity

Throughout the shutdown, the operations department at Health was focused on learning from this extraordinary situation. Their experiences are promising for future energy reductions at AU.

Photo: AUFF

2020.06.26 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

Get in front of the queue

As a PhD student and postdoc, you have an advantage in front of everyone else for a brand new and modern home – centrally at Katrinebjerg. Close to the university, shopping (Storcenter Nord), fitness, transport, park, city centre, etc.

2020.06.26 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Health

Virtual PhD defence: Maria Keilow

Children’s mental health and educational opportunity – exploring socioeconomic aspects of ADHD.

2020.06.25 | Research, Academic staff, Dandrite

Large-scale data sets identify small RNAs with a role in epilepsy

A new paper from Jørgen Kjems' group at iNANO and MBG describes how expression of non-coding RNA changes during epileptic seizures in rodents.

2020.06.25 | Seminar, PhD students, Dandrite

Seminar titled "Lipid specificity determinants in plant lipid flippases" by Rosa L. López-Marqués

On Tuesday July 7th from 11:30-12:15, we will host a seminar by Rosa L. López-Marqués from the University of Copenhagen.

2020.06.25 | Event, Academic staff, Neurocampus

Virtual DANDRITE Lecture with Cornelius Gross

Cornelius Gross will give a lecture entitled Instinctive fear – sensory integration, internal state control, and adaption. Please find Zoom link via the Outlook calendar invitation. If you have not received this, please write an e-mail to Kathrine: kh@dandrite.au.dk

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