2021.04.22 | Grants and awards, Research, Public/Media
Professor and medical specialist in infectious diseases Trine Hyrup Mogensen from Aarhus University and Aarhus University Hospital investigates why apparently healthy young and middle-aged people in some cases develop severe Covid-19 requiring intensive hospitalisation and may experience serious courses of illness or even death.
2021.04.22 | Research, Public/Media, Health
Largest study of its kind shows infected babies face greater risk of neurodevelopmental impairments and underlines need for follow-up care for survivors.
2021.04.21 | Education, Research, Academic staff
AU’s new learning platform Brightspace is now accessible for teaching staff and course administrators, and registration for Brightspace workshops is open. During the coming months, teaching staff will be able to set up the courses they are teaching in autumn.
2021.04.21 | Grants and awards, Research, Academic staff
A total of DKK 5.6 million. This is what three early career researchers from Health are receiving towards their research projects into key nerve pathways, congenital heart defects and skeletal muscle, respectively. The funding is part of a larger round of funding from the Lundbeck Foundation, which secures two to three years of research funding…
2021.04.26 | Research, Public/Media, Health
The debate about how many medical specialists we need to train in Denmark is not just a question of waiting lists and day-to-day running. The number of medical specialists is crucial for the clinical research which must develop new forms of treatment and create a better basis for diagnosis, care, healing and prevention.
2021.04.21 | People news, Public/Media, Dandrite
Nicolas Foutel is new postdoc in Magnus Kjærgaard's team from April 15th, 2021. Nicolas will be working with intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs), which are common in nature, and feature properties that might make them suitable for biotechnological applications. Under this premise, Nicolas will work with artificial or de-novo designed IDPs…
2021.04.21 | Administrative, Administration (Academic), All groups
On Wednesday 21 April, the first two supervised self-testing sites will open at AU. The sites are for the university’s students and staff only, and are intended as a supplement to the existing public test sites. Eight additional test sites will open at AU’s locations in the coming days.
2021.04.22 | Events, Administration (Academic), Academic staff
The motivation and well-being of lecturers and other teaching staff will be in (online) focus when the faculty invites all interested parties to the annual Education Fair on Tuesday 27 April 2021.