Aarhus University Seal / Aarhus Universitets segl


Trine Mogensen, who is professor of infectious immunology at AU and a medical specialist in infectious diseases at AUH, became head of the Inflammation Network last spring. The network will hold its first annual meeting on 11 November. Photo: Jakob Binderup Christensen, Health AU

2021.10.20 | Events, Research, Academic staff

"The pandemic has really shown that infectious diseases are a major challenge for society"

Over eighteen months the Covid-19 pandemic has made the importance of research into inflammation and infectious diseases crystal clear. The Inflammatory Network at Aarhus University is holding its first annual meeting on 11 November, and head of the network Trine Mogensen hopes to bring together a wide range of specialist areas – also in an…

2021.10.20 | Event, Health and disease, All groups

Journal Club: Good and bad in medical literature

This month, Consultant Cardiologist Niels Holmark Andersen, MD PhD DMSc from Aalborg University Hospital will visit us to speak about the medical literature.

Employees and students at Aarhus University can visit the Science Museums for free. Photo: Kasper Hornbæk and the Science Museums

2021.10.21 | Administrative, Technical / administrative staff, Health

Visit the Science Museums for free

As an employee at Aarhus University, you can visit the Steno Museum free of charge all year round. And from Monday 23 October, you can also visit the planetarium for free.

Newly-appointed Doctor of Medical Science Camilla Nyboe is a medical doctor at Aarhus University Hospital. She hopes that new knowledge about ASD patients will make improved treatment and follow-up possible. Photo: Lorentzen Fotografi

2021.10.20 | People news, Public/Media, Health

Children born with a hole in the heart suffer poorer health throughout their lives

A study of all Danish registers for children born with a hole in the heart – actually a gap between the atrial chambers – shows that the heart defect has consequences for their health throughout their lives. The study is part of Camilla Nyboe's higher doctoral dissertation from Aarhus University.

2021.10.19 | PhD defense, Public/Media, Graduate School of Health

PhD defence: Litten Sørensen Rossen

Human Herpesvirus 6A/6B entry into human cells

Siri Beier Jensen will continue as head of the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health up to and including the summer 2024. Photo: Jonathan Bjerg Møller, AU Health

2021.10.21 | People news, Administration (Academic), Academic staff

Siri Beier Jensen to continue as department head

After five years as head of the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, Siri Beier Jensen has agreed to extend her employment for a further three years. The new educational model needs to be brought into play, the research profile needs to be honed, and collaboration across the department remains in focus. So it’s a case of stay on track and keep…

Picture of Alejo Mosqueira

2021.10.18 | People news, PhD students, Dandrite

Welcome to Alejo Mosqueira who is a new intern in Nabavi group

Alejo Mosqueira is a physics student from Argentina and is the new intern in Nabavi Group. During his stay at DANDRITE, Alejo will combine electrophysiological recordings in behaving animals and state-of-the-art computational analyses, with the aim of unravelling the synaptic, circuit and representational changes that underlie the trace of a…

2021.10.18 | Conference, Education, learning and philosophy, Academic staff


Zone of proximal development, Care and Social Sustainability in children’s development

2021.10.18 | Conference, Religion and theology, Academic staff

The 11th Nordic patristic Meeting: Exegesis

The interpretation of ancient texts has always been an integral part of theology. This conference aims to illustrate the various ways in which the exegetical practices have shaped the theological production of Early and Late Antiquity.

2021.10.18 | Conference, People and cultures, Academic staff

Body and Ethics 2021

With this conference, we wish to throw light on the ways ethics may be intimately connected with bodily being-in-the-world: In which ways may bodily transformations, aging, illness, disability, gender, affect, sexuality and the presence – or absence – of intimate relations challenge and expand our understanding of ethics? May a more explicit focus…

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